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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I don't think Bush can get away with it. From what I've read, Bush wants more money than Mario Williams. Bush slipped to #2 because he couldn't work a deal with the Texans. If he can't work a deal with the Saints, I just don't see the team with the top pick next year taking a chance on a guy who has been out of football for a year and it notoriously difficult to deal with.
  2. Although many claim the RW is cheap, and maybe he is when it comes to coaches, he has demonstrated over the years that slotting is a fact of life and will pay the going rate. I think you're right that the issue is the length of contract. I'd guess that the Bills want a 6 year deal and Huff really screwed them up.
  3. Sure you can. The Vikings tried that with McKinnie and Pyrite Gal has been holding McKinnie's holdout against him ever since.
  4. Maybe he didn't say it was unfair because to say something a contract was unfair one would have to understand it first. Saying it was too complex, that he didn't understand it, wanted more time and thoght the deal was being forced through were all pretty accurate. What does it say about the other owners who apparently did not understand the contract but signed it anyway?
  5. Because he didn't sign a contract that wasn't commensurate with his slot in the draft he was a little boy or an a-hole? Ah so we are only to speak in 20/20 hindsight.
  6. Okay, I'll bite, what is the Pollyanna Threshold Theory?
  7. He wouldn't have held out against the Bills assuming he was offered a contract commenserate with his slotting like Mike Williams was offered.
  8. Baltimore is further east than Buffalo and Buffalo is further north than any of the AFC North teams. Wouldn't it make more sense to have Buffalo in the AFC North? Given the relatively short distances between Buffalo, Cleveland and Pittsburgh wouldn't all these franchises benefit financially from higher attendence?
  9. I keep hoping they'll do something that would give me a reason to have faith in them.
  10. Pretty simple. It has nothing to do with ego. I'd rather the Bills win the Super Bowl than live down to my expectations.
  11. My hopes aren't being crushed since I have very low expectations of this team. I don't come to a Bill's forum to piss and moan. I come to a Bills forum, among other reasons, to get information on my favorite football team. However that is but one reason. This forum is much more that just a Bills forum. Be it serious discussions of the untimely passing of a forum member, cancer, illness, furture of Western NY in general or light hearted discussions of TV shows, jokes or garbage plate specials, this is more of a community than simply a Bills forum. Besides, if I simply stopped paying attention to the Bills, how would I ever know if they improved and it was time to jump on the bandwagon?
  12. I'd be very concerned. Even though he may be able to will the team to his wife or daughter, I believe they would have to pay inheritance tax on the value of the team. They wouldn't be able to afford to pay the tax and would have to sell the franchise. I believe there are only 2 people with Western NY roots who might have the money to buy the team. The chances the Bills would be sold to an out of town owner and moved are pretty high.
  13. I have a limited amount of time and a limited amount of money. If a team is going to put on a bad product and not be enjoyable to watch, I'd rather find other enjoyable things to spend my time and money on than to get my hopes up and have them crushed week after week.
  14. How do you know that? I don't recall there being much competition for the services of Reyes, Fowler or especially Price. Seems like they may be here for the Benjamins.
  15. Pretty much the same reason Buffalo is in the AFC East.
  16. Amazing! You managed to keep a post to 2 paragraphs!
  17. This is a very bad team. I'd be surprised if this pick translated to 2 additional wins this year. The Bills will have a very bad record so 6-10 really isn't better than 4-12.
  18. I'm skeptical that Whitner is a star in the Roy William or Sean Taylor category. If he was, he would have been projected to go much higher than where most prognoscticators put him. Did you think that Clements and Travis Henry were bad picks for the Bills? That's what they got for trading down.
  19. The article I was reading was wrong. It is still a good example of filling more than 1 need and getting good value instead of tunnel vision.
  20. Sometimes it works out that the best palyer available where you draft fills a need. In those cases, you essentially get the daily double. That was the case with Brown and Winfield. Odd that you bring up Clements since TD traded down 9 slots to get him. Had Levy done the same thing with Whitner, there wouldn't be nearly the number of complaints about this years draft.
  21. I don't recall people saying Brown, Winfield or Clements were reaches when they were drafted. Didn't they pretty much go about where they were supposed to go in those drafts?
  22. Do you have any statistics to back up your claims of 50% of all #3 picks being busts? It's been some years since I've seen it but at one time someone posted an analysis that showed the higher someone was picked, the more likely it was that they would be all Pros. I am not likely to buy into the concept of drafting for need because such drafts have landed us the likes of Taveres Tillman, Eric Flowers and Mike Williams. This team had holes and needs just about everywhere except punter. It could have drafted the best player available and it still likely would have filled a need.
  23. What dates are you talking about? Seems to me that if you sign anyone this year you have to fit them under this years cap.
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