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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. They're 4-3 and could have a wild card slot. What do you consider "not a good record"?
  2. And how is this different than any of the previous 5 or so years? We've had plenty of late round OL draft picks that never amounted to anything.
  3. This line is so bad they did not need to be dominant from day one to earn a starting job. I am so tired of the weak excuses people will cling to avoid addressing eyesore of an offensive line we've had for the past decade.
  4. If Pennington, Merz and Preston were better than who we've been playing, don't you think we would have seen them by now?
  5. Haven't we been trying to address the lines through free agency and later rounds and realize it doesn't work?
  6. How do you figure that? The Bills have the 29th ranked offense and the 15th ranked defense. Sounds like the offense needs the most help.
  7. If this were true I would have expected Donahoe to have picked Kenyatta Walker instead of trading down to pick Nate Clements. He would have picked Bryant McKinnie or Dwight Freeney instead of Mike Williams.
  8. He hasn't been all that impressive in his previous stints. He seems to be a slave to a system instead of fitting the system to the players. Many people who were arguing with me before are now complaining that the coaches are not fitting the systems to the players. I'm am highly skeptical of a light weight defensive line. I think it will have a hard time stopping the run. The proof is in the pudding. Its up to Marv to make me eat crow.
  9. I started judging him from day 1. I've been on record as saying that I'm not impressed with his choice of Head Coach, handling of free agency or the draft.
  10. Well now that you've admitted to being a troll I'll get about the business of ignoring you.
  11. No because at least there is a chance of Losman improving. Kelly Holcomb is Kelly Holcomb. He's had 10 years in the league and amply demonstrated that he doesn't have the physical tools.
  12. No it doesn't. I'm not pleased with the way Losman has been playing but he has the physical tools. Holcomb does not. Losman has not played as well as I might like but he has improved over last year. There are plenty of QBs who teams have given up on only to turn it around, a fact you routinely ignore in your anti-Losman jihad. I'm willing to wait until the end of the season. If I thought changing QBs might make the difference between making the play-offs or not, I might think differently but this team is a long way from that because it is weak in so many places, particularly the offensive and defensive lines. I'd rather go 2-14 with Losman, know that he doesn't have "IT", have a chance at a very high draft pick, and the ability to build for the future than finish 6-10 and have none of that.
  13. What hope are you going to get out of Kelly Holcomb? Haven't you already seen him and realized he doesn't have any upside?
  14. And switching QBs will magically improve our horrendous offensive line or improve our fly weight defensive lines ability to stop the run?
  15. All this shows is that QBs drafted high in the 1st round, while not guaranteed to be a success, are more likely to be successful than those taken later in the draft.
  16. Holcomb doesn't have an arm. If Nall were good, the Packers wouldn't have let him go. Losman won the job in preseason. I'm willing to give him the entire year, as long as he is healthy. I'd rather know at the end of the season whether he is an NFL QB or if we need someone else. Winning a game or two more with another QB isn't going to do a damn bit of good to my ego. This team isn't going to the playoffs.
  17. I think Losman is playing better this year than he did last year. He also beat Holcomb for the starting job in the preseason. If Holcomb were to produce the same results as last year, that will put the team at 6-10 or 7-9. What does that get you? A worse draft pick and a tougher time building a team.
  18. If you think the Bills will have a hard time matching in the next 9 games with a different QB what the did in the first 7 games with Losman then there is no reason to switch QBs. In fact you are arguing that they should stay the course. Its not about making JP feel good about himself. Its about developing a young QB, which is best done by playing him, or getting enough information that he will never develop, which would mean acquiring another QB in the off season. Tutan Reyes was injured.
  19. Are you seriously saying the offensive line is playing good?
  20. So you're saying you didn't see the preseason? That is what preseason is for. What is so much better about winning 5-6 games instead of 2? Practically speaking, it only puts us in a worse draft position.
  21. Maybe Peerless Price simply isn't very good. He hasn't shown anything since he left Buffalo the first time. It is fine to say "stretch the field" but to do that, the offensive line has to block adequately so the receivers can get down field. That simply isn't happening.
  22. WOW. I'm not a JP apologist but what team are you watching?
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