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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I watched it again. Jack had just pushed Flocke into the water. I don't see how he could have shot anyone at that time.
  2. I'm pretty sure Flocke had nothing to do with Kate getting shot. What I found strange was when Flocke walked up to the two guards at the plane and got shot a point blank range he didn't get any bullet holes in his shirt.
  3. I forgot, a really twisted version of it was played as background music when Claire, Sayid and Kate emerged from the temple after the smoke monster attacked.
  4. Catch a Falling Star and Put It In Your Pocket. I'm pretty sure Claire was humming the same tune when she was in the hole in the temple and asked Aaron's prospective, adoptive parents to sing the song to Aaron because her father used to sing it to her.
  5. How in the world did they get out of the submarine while it was sinking?
  6. Jack seems very obvious. I can't get out of my mind that there may be a switcheroo and Sayid may become Jacob's replacement. Mainly becasue he has fallen the furthest, has the longest road to redemption, and may be the last one any of us anticipate. It sort of reminds me of Paul of Tarsus.
  7. How was he going to get off the island? There was no plane or sub, was there?
  8. Season 1 was by far the best. I think they went consistently down hill from there. I think last season and this season were the worst. My advice is start watching season 2. Eventually you will get to a point where it isn't worth watching any more.
  9. It was made by Hattori Hanzō. Very rare. Some might say priceless.
  10. FYI - That app exists for the Android and Iphone platforms as well. Allows you to send and receive text messages without paying and allows you to send messages to multiple recipients.
  11. Jack said she was suffering from aphasia. It exists.
  12. Neither Jin nor Sun are on MIBs side.
  13. I'm not sure if it was the garlic cloves covered in chocolate or the ice cream with anchovies, but I totally lost my appetite for lunch, probably dinner as well.
  14. While i am sure that would improve the grits, why would you ever waste perfectly good shrimp that way?
  15. Olives Eel Liver Tofu Anchovies Scrapple Grits Miracle Whip Figs Mangos - Actually I love them but I am alergic to them.
  16. Weren't they evacuated by Dr Chang before the incident because of Faraday's warning?
  17. From Doc Jensens recap This moment was staged to deliberately echo the scene from the season 3 episode ''One Of Us,'' when Jack, Kate, and Sayid returned from New Otherton, bringing Juliet with them. When the beach crew saw her, the happy-huggy moment abruptly ended, and everyone gave her the stink-eye (especially, ironically, Sawyer) — just like Jack and Ben traded suspicious looks in last night's episode. We learned at the very end of ''One Of Us'' that newbie Juliet was indeed shady; she had been sent by Ben to spy on the camp. (The moment was mirrored, I think, by having ''Dr. Linus'' end with Widmore's submarine spying on the castaways.)
  18. The Island was moved since Widmore sent the Mercenaries.
  19. I had read that they felt the US team was purposely going low on Brodeur and that with Luongo being a butterfly type of goalie, he would have had a better chance of stopping 3 of those shots that got by.
  20. And how did he get those numbers in the post Jughead time line? Was he in a nut house? Did he get them from someone in the nut house? Why did he go to Australia this time? Originally he went to find out where the numbers came from, didn't he?
  21. You ended up with the Eris or the Droid?
  22. The bad part about the droid is its weight and the manual keyboard sucks. Outside of that, I've been happy that I replaced my flip phone with the droid.
  23. The nature of the problems they were trying to help probably had much to do with the decision to recycle instead of build anew. The famine in Africa was building in scope and in the consciousness of the western public over time. Having nothing to work with, they put together something which, while not perfect, certainly raised a lot of money for the issue. The Haitian crisis happened very suddenly. While it is prominent in the consciousness of the western public now, it that prominence will fade with time. Remaking something that was already there made sense since coming up with something new would take time. In this case, time is money. It was wise to give the women singers a more prominent role this time around since quite frankly, the men sucked. I guess these guys can rap but they certainly can not sing. In the original version all the singers had good voices except Springsteen, who sounds constipated. The remake blows.
  24. Except the smoke monster had been seen at numerous locations around the island.
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