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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I'd rather take my chances with remdesivir personally. But seriously, Trump and the Trumpsters are exaggerating what it takes to test this drug. He keeps talking about messing around with test tubes for a year or two when we are well beyond that and capable of actual clinical trials at this time. He downplays the serious and potentially deadly side effects. His touts can lead to hoarding and misuse of the drug.
  2. Izvestia used to be the News in the old Soviet Union. Pravda, which mean "the truth", was a propaganda piece. The Soviets used to say that there is no truth in the news and no news in the truth. Fox is Izvestia and Pravda rolled into one entity.
  3. Yeah a study. Answer this. What is the proper dosage of a of hydroxychloroquine to be effective on someone with Covid-19? You might need trials to answer that question. Quite frankly, if you are so sick with CV-19 that you are close to death, this drug just might kill you as it can mess with your heart rythm.
  4. I guess you read it as them saying it is ineffective. I read it as saying they were using the drug even though there was no evidence it was effective. That's the way it is in phase 1 clinical trials.
  5. What am I missing here? This was simply an article stating the NIH would be studying hydroxychloroquine on SARS-CoV-2. I didn't see a single doctor quoted and doubting it would work.
  6. The existence of these meetings have been reported in the press. The press asked for more details and got nothing for the agencies and spin from the WH. The only times Trump has come clean has been under intense pressure and scrutiny, so I see know reason to stop questioning him. Regardless, the issue was whether or not Trump's reaction back in Jan/Feb was adequate and clearly it was not.
  7. And how am I supposed to know what was said in those classified briefings? And given Trump's resistance to oversight, how do I know the House Intelligence Committee received the access to all the witnesses they asked for?
  8. Like I'm supposed to know exactly what was said in those classified briefings in the White House? Its not like someone is going to come out and give all the details for fear of receiving the Vindman treatment. Best I can surmise is they thought things were far more severe in China that they were admitting to. Several former administration officials were tweeting or writing op-eds about it in January. If the administration didn't have similar information, doesn't that show incompetence on their part? Is there really any doubt that his response was inadequate? All the happy talk saying things were under control and would soon go to zero when it was expanding? A woefully inadequate request for $2.5 billion? Happy talk about churches packed on Easter? Isn't it obvious that he failed miserably?
  9. Oh I'm not so sure about that. Trump is about Trump. During the 2014 Ebola epidemic, he and the right wing media politicized the epidemic. They went full tilt stoking fear, making false claims and then miraculously, the day after the mid-term elections, stopped all coverage of the epidemic. As president, Trump has far more information at his disposal than any other politician. He received intelligence briefings in January warning of the pandemic. He has the CDC and NIH reporting to him. He formed a corona virus task force. On February 5, the head of the HHS asked for $2 billion to buy respirator masks and other supplies for the reserve stockpile and what did his administration do? They cut it to $500 million. South Korea and the US got their first cases on the same day. South Korea was aggressive in fighting it. Trump talked it down, repeatedly making false claims that it was under control and would all go away. He called it a hoax. If most of America was making the same mistake as Trump, a lot of that is because of the Trump - Fox News echo chamber. He talked it down, called it fake news and a hoax and Fox News followed. For a good part of the population who gets their news from that propaganda organization, what would you expect them to believe. Trump led them to complacency. Even when it became obvious that there was a problem and a supplemental bill was needed to fund the fight, he low balled the estimate of what it would take asking for $2.5 billion. Republicans in the Senate thought over $6 billion and Democrats in the House over $8 billion. Both the Senate and House were wrong but at least they based their estimates on past epidemics and pandemics. Not sure how Trump came up with his wildly low number. It was just last week that Trump was talking about seeing light at the end of the tunnel, easing the restriction by Easter and hoping the church pews would be packed. This would have been akin to Roosevelt declaring victory over Japan in WW II before Corregidor fell.
  10. I didn't say that drugs that have gone through phase 1 testing only help 25% of the people in phase 2 testing. Only 25% of the drugs that show some efficacy in phase 1 show that in a deeper phase 2 study. That means 75% of the time the drug is similar or worse than no drug at all. Meanwhile, you would deny those who need the drug for other illnesses their medication?
  11. But it isn't a coin flip. I think I read somewhere that only 25% of the phase 1 studies show positive results in phase 2. This really didn't amount to a phase 1 study. Compassionate use is going on now. Real phase 1 studies are going on now. Meanwhile, people who really have been using this drug for conditions where this drug has shown effectiveness are having difficulty getting their prescriptions filled, at least 2 people have OD on HCQ and one has died.
  12. I'm not sure if this has been posted. It was in the comments from an article in the Washington Post. The American Medical Association has weighed in on Trump's COVID-19 strategy: The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve. Meanwhile, Obstetricians felt certain everyone was laboring under a misconception, while the Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted. Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!” The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the Radiologists could see right through it. Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing and the Internists claimed it would indeed be a bitter pill to swallow. The Plastic Surgeons opined that this proposal would "put a whole new face on the matter.” The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea. Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and those lofty Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no. In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the #######s in Washington.
  13. Because it could do more harm than benefit. For at least 15 years, tuberculosis wast treated with gold. It wasn't until a controlled double blind study that streptomycin was found to be effective. A subsequent study of gold found it ineffective. In fact, gold treatment was poisoning people. Its not as if HCQ is sitting in a huge stockpile waiting for a use. It is used in the treatment of Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Directing large amounts of this drug to combat Covid-19 could deprive people who really need the drug for their conditions. Has it shown much efficacy? The only study I read said it reduced levels in nasal swabs int 6 of 20 people. That same study had a higher mortality rate and a higher rate of people ending up in ICU.
  14. As bad as EJ was/is (proving he was at best really a 3rd rounder taken way to early) Kirk Cousins was worse.
  15. That is quite eerie. I wonder how much damage from steroids they will find when the do the autopsy.
  16. I live in the DC area and saw him in a few games. He played well against all the teams I saw. Granted, he was playing 3rd and 4th stringers but it is still a good comparison to Tuel.
  17. Loved Terry Bradshaw on Fox's show today. "Tom Brady is acting like Dan Marino on 5 cans of Red Bull".
  18. QB Pat White was cut by Washington to make room for a kicker. This kid looked good in preseason. He looked better than Tuel. I think the Bills should sign him. Opinions?
  19. I'm not sure why this topic isn't on the wall but at the time, weren't they trying to make Kelsay a starting outside linebacker for the 3-4? While he may be a decent depth lineman, he sucked as a linebacker.
  20. It is about changing a culture where basic human norms and decency is ignored to protect or promote a big money sport so that it is no longer above the rest of society. You want to protect that culture.
  21. So if not in the case of protecting and enabling a serial pedophile and rapist where do you draw the line? You apparently have a much narrower point of view regarding the NCAA's authority regarding association bylaws and the NCAA Constitution relating to control over the athletic department, integrity and ethical conduct than most of us.
  22. I really didn't have feelings about NCAA involvement until a few weeks ago, and mostly based on the actions of some of the vocal kookie alumni. Personally I read your posts as an attempt to scapegoat 4 people, just so you can have your Penn State football. The culture was a big part of the problem. The culture there has to change. I tend to believe there was a football problem in as much as some of the abuse happened on the Penn State Campus, in the Penn State locker room and it was the Penn State Head Football Coach who talked the others out of reporting a serial pedophile to the police.
  23. To improve battery life on your Droid 4, switch to 3G, use 4G only when you really need it. More importantly, download and use Juice Defender. JD improved the battery life on my Bionic by about 70%.
  24. At her bail hearing yesterday, the victim's family was sitting on her side of the room and the victim is refusing to cooperate with the prosecutor.
  25. While this does sound remarkable, there were only 2 teams they played in the regular season that had winning records and there were 6 teams that would have had winning records if they had not lost to the Patriots*.
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