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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. It is a question of leadership leading up to and in times of crisis. I certainly understand why a Trumpster would want to avoid it. So what specifically did Cuomo say that you disagree with?
  2. I doubt you have accurately described Fauc's or Birx's opinions. Everything I've seen shows them as being more circumspect than you describe. By all means, take Fauci's and Birx's opinions over mine. Just try to understand what they are really saying.
  3. There are no do-overs. Fact remains that during a critical month + Trump repeatedly downplayed the virus, praised China, said everything was under control, chiseled down HHS requests for additional funding for PPE and ventilators and low balled funding requests to deal with the virus. I'm not asking for a do-over because I always knew that Trump was a self serving con man who could not lead.
  4. Bull! There is nowhere near enough testing over enough of the population to get a grip on how extensive the infection is.
  5. In a time of crisis, I'd prefer leadership. That simply isn't in Trumps DNA. Before World War II, Roosevelt correctly surmised that the USA would not be able to avoid the conflict. Even though the nation was isolationist, he took steps to increase our industrial base, kept allies afloat and increase our military for the inevitable time that we would be in the conflict. Roosevelt was a leader. Trump is a the buck stops anywhere but here weasel. If I sound like I'm on both sides constantly, its because I am a conservative and see through Trump. I don't necessarily play a doom and death card because of Trump, but the fact is, that if restriction are lifted too early, people will die. That is a simple fact. Trump should recognize that and lead his followers to an unpopular reality. This country needs a robust, testing, contact tracing and isolation policy before the country can reopen. Trump won't do that and instead tries to throw the governors under the bus.
  6. Like I said. Politics. Trump does what is best for Trump. If that means embracing some form of rebellion that will lead to more death due to the Corona virus, that is fine and dandy with Trump. This is the man who said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a single voter and that is repeatedly born out here. Trump routinely lies and touts unproven treatments. Can you say the same about Cuomo?
  7. Maryland has more that twice the infection rate vice Virginia. Maryland initiated restrictions earlier that Virginia. Maryland has more restrictions than Virginia. Why is Trump tweeting about Virginia instead of Maryland? Politics. Maryland has a Republican Gov, all the other states you mention have Dems. Trump is only interested in stirring his base and getting reelected. Trump cares about Trump first last and always.
  8. My internet connection is seriously lagged so maybe there is something I'm not seeing but the only thing that came up was a memorandum from the CIA basically saying they weren't involved with the subject matter. Are you sure that is the right link?
  9. Oh I will not claim that the MSM is unbiased but Trump is a liar and manipulator if every there was one.
  10. I'm curious as to where the fine print is. I have yet to see a reputable news organization agree with his position. That and he lies his ass off.
  11. My understanding is that since the governors shut down the states, only they can open them back up. What part of the Constitution allows the Federal Government to over ride the State Governments? This goes against the concept of Federalism and the 10th Amendment.
  12. Isn't the "WHO" test available to any country that asks for it? Is it incumbent on the WHO of offer it? Other countries went directly to the German company. It seems that CDC is to restrictive. They developed a botched test and It seems as though corporations that work in the field of medical testing were not allowed to develop tests until it was too late. At the very least, once problems were noted in the CDC test, they probably should have obtained some of the German ones.
  13. Almost all of this is factually incorrect. The German test was developed before the genome of this virus was made available. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/asia/testing-coronavirus-science-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/03/16/cdc-who-coronavirus-tests/
  14. This is a somewhat useful fact checker. Its a bit annoying that it doesn't give you the newest information first, by default. Also, it seems limited on topics. I was able to find information on PPE and chloroquine but when I looked for remdesivir, it returned nothing. https://www.poynter.org/ifcn-covid-19-misinformation/page/2/?search_terms=chloroquine
  15. Now see, this is disinformation. All Fauci has said is that this drug has not been proven to be effective in trials. That is simply a statement of fact, regardless of how the trials resolve themselves. This is just a matter of a good public health official being honest with us. I'm not sure why people think there is anything nefarious about his statement.
  16. That's great advice. Maybe you should start following it yourself. I haven't spread any disinformation.
  17. Take it up with the right wing circle jerk that keeps asking the questions.
  18. Well that's good news. Where are the results showing the efficacy of this drug on Covid-19 from the tests done in the 1940s and 50s?
  19. Thats GREAT! It so satisfying to know that real, responsible physicians are taking my advice. Now I'm off to church. Got to do my part to fulfill Tump's vision of packed pews on Easter Sunday.
  20. Any real MD I'vs asked questions of has answered them. I'll stick with them.
  21. Yes. Are you so stupid that you would not ask a question?
  22. No, you didn't answer a single one. Here they are. My problem is that HCQ has not been proven in clinical trials. Do you disagree? My problem is that people seem to be throwing caution to the wind. Do you disagree? I don't remember the drug names but I've heard of a couple of drugs that compete with HCQ that have shown some promise against Covid-19. Trump even mentioned one of them by Pfizer in his Friday news conference. Isn't it possible that if HCQ is effective against Covid-19, competitive medicines might be effective as well?ll my questions
  23. And yet you dodge all of my questions and ask me unreasonable ones?
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