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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I watched the video. Trump said the stupidest thing I've ever heard him say. That is saying alot.
  2. Proven treatments to cancer happen every day under a doctors care because the treatment can kill the cancer before it kills the person. Injecting disinfectants? Not so much.
  3. A clinician went over this several pages back. Your repeating Bills_Gal's inane arguments.
  4. There are such things as stupid questions. This is one of them.
  5. I'm channeling Trump and his loyal followers. Quite frankly, if you are ######ed enough to think injecting disinfectant has merit, you deserve the label.
  6. Trump suggested injecting UV light and disinfectant. As far as the bleach an alcohol aspect, Trump made his suggestion after the CDC dude talked about the effects of UV light, alcohol and bleach on the virus. What Trump said was just plain dumb.
  7. Your right, I haven't read your stance on the shutdown. Your second paragraph says enough.
  8. You're one of the Trumptards who thinks this should be considered, not me.
  9. So you Trumptards knew the makers of Lysol would have to warn people not to inject Lysol into people? ?
  10. A known conman found enough willing marks to get elected.
  11. Everyone says something wrong sometimes but it is the frequency with which Trump says incorrect things, the fact that he will never admit to being wrong about anything (which it truly unique compared with the company you mentioned) and the fact that the is POTUS and everything a President says is scrutinized is what gets him in trouble.
  12. Yeah right. Virtually any disinfectant out there has a warning not to ingest it and to seek medical help if you do because the manufacturer knows its bad for you but they never said not to inject it so maybe that's okay?
  13. Your talking about proven technologies versus abject stupidity to make your point?
  14. Some things are just to stupid to spend even a second of serious consideration. Injecting people with disinfectant is one of them.
  15. Northern Virginia, but I work in Maryland just outside of DC.
  16. Yeah but at least Cuomo doesn't sound like a moron.
  17. Repeating the same stupidity over and over does not make it any more rational.
  18. Where I live, we haven't peaked. You go ahead and do what you want. If you get Covid-19, find some good disinfectant, inject it, huff it and you will be good to go.
  19. Here's a thought, why not let the task force speak for itself? Why does he have to be there every day? We'd get clearer information, less rancor and he wouldn't look absolutely clueless.
  20. I'm simply amazed that guy and Birx could keep a straight face when Trump probably the dumbest things he has ever said. Yest but those treatments are tested in clinical trials to prove usefulness and are done under a doctors supervision. Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat arthritis, lupus and malaria. It is also used to clean aquariums. When the President of the United States tells people this will prevent or cure Covid 19, there are people dumb enough to drink aquarium cleaner. There are also people who are probably dumb enough to inject themselves or huff disinfectant or bleach because of what this guy said. The makers of Lysol had to put out a disclaimer to not inject their product. Who would every think they would have to do that because of POTUS? Its not because Trump said it. Its because what he said was so incredibly stupid. Use disinfectant to kill the virus on surfaces. Use UV to kill the virus. Let the doctors/scientist perform clinical trials on treatments and develop a vaccine. Follow their advice on social distancing and hygiene. That is how all viruses or dealt with, not nutty ideas like injecting bleach or disinfectant.
  21. Does anyone know how I can inject myself with a tanning bed to kill the virus from the inside out? I can't find a big enough syringe.
  22. NYC residents spend more time in confined areas is my guess. More time in elevators, subways, trains, taxis etc. DC hasn't peaked yet. Several crew members spent time at a hotel where a couple of British Tourists had the virus. Although all crew members who went to that hotel were quarantined aboard ship, people didn't know enough about the disease and it would appear that Vietnam had wider transmission than they knew.
  23. What does that have to do with lack of funding over the last 1-15 years?
  24. If Magox posts a link to support his POV, it should support his POV. If something 20 minutes before or after was said that adds context to the link that didn't support his POV, then he should provide it. If you know of something that happened 20 minutes before or after that adds context to the link, then you should provide it. That seems pretty basic to this type of board. I didn't look for it because I watched the link that Magox provided. Also I've watched Fauci quite a bit, including full news conferences where Trump provides lies and misinformation, and I have never seen him come close to saying we are ready for phase 1. Everything seems to be guidelines to determine whether or not a state is ready for phase 1. That is something that will happen in the future. If you have something with him saying otherwise, please provide it.
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