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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. One would think you could write a clear sentence. Guess not.
  2. All the more reason why he shouldn't talk at the pressers. He sows confusion and makes his team look incompetent. He adds nothing of value. Is that a triple negative? Way to confuse matters even further.
  3. You might think about that when you say injecting people with disinfectant is worth a try.
  4. Yes but there are other treatments that could help but can't be reasonably tested because everyone wants hydroxychloroquine.
  5. Given the way he lectures the media on how to ask questions, it appears he wants confrontation to placate his base. He provides quite a bit of mixed messaging and nutty ideas. Remember how he wanted to economy open by Easter with the pews in the churches packed shoulder to shoulder? I thought that was the most irresponsible thing a President has ever said but he topped that yesterday with the disinfectant injections.
  6. But apparently injecting disinfectant is reasonable for a clinical trial. ?
  7. No it wasn't me who said that. Yes I said I am afraid of shortages for people who use the drug for other conditions. How is that biased? And someone complaining about 30 million dosages being ordered when we don't know with certainty how well it will work on Covid-19 probably has similar thoughts to mine.
  8. No not at all. It has been proven effective on lupus and arthritis sufferers and they should get their medication. I have a problem when those people can't get their medication because there is a shortage of the drug because of something on which it has not been proven effective. Much of this shortage is because of hype on the part of Trump and Fox News. This hype crowds out space for other treatments to perform clinical trials.
  9. That doesn't change the fact that the drug is unproven.
  10. It is unproven that the drug is effective on Covid-19 and both of those drugs can lead to heart arrhythmia. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/mayo-clinic-cardiologist-inexcusable-ignore-hydroxychloroquine-side-effects-n1178776 https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/family-new-york-woman-blames-hydroxychloroquine-combo-fatal-heart-attack-n1185451
  11. They didn't have to twist anything. He sounded like a crackpot.
  12. You continue to make any point, but that's on brand.
  13. Again the trial I linked to showed a higher mortality rate for those on HCQ. Your endorsing poisoning people again.
  14. Oh there have been quite a few who have said that. Doc especially. Do you still hold your anecdotal evidence as superior to the trial I cited?
  15. I don't know but the constant mantra that it saved many lives and we can't wait for clinical trial should be abandoned by anyone reasonably sane.
  16. According the the VA study I provided a link too, HCQ treated patients had more that twice the mortality rate as non-HCQ patients. That is a fact. You are providing anecdotal evidence. The people you cite may simply have improved on their own.
  17. Just so I am clear, what do you mean by the part in bold print? Right. I provided a link to one, that you were too lazy to read and didn't confirm your spin. Whoops, my link didn't post. Sorry. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/929253
  18. Anecdotal evidence over a clinical trial? Tell me, if some doctor asked you to be part of a clinical trial where you might get injected with disinfectant, would your answer be "hell no, I don't want to run the risk of getting stuck with the placebo"?
  19. How do you know this? According to a VA study, it is ineffective and resulted in a higher death rate. Are you sure it hasn't killed more people? https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/929253
  20. He interrupted someone who was talking about UV light, alcohol and bleach killing the virus. He didn't mean an antiviral drug.
  21. Its dumb. It is incredibly dumb. The old quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt" fits this perfectly. POTUS should let the scientists and doctors decide what should be tried at clinical trials. Nobody working on Covid-19 should waste anytime on this crackpot idea. His snake oil selling of hydroxychloroquine made it difficult to do clinical trials on other drugs and treatments because too many people wanted the "Trump Drug" or didn't want to risk getting a placebo. Well hydroxychloroquine ain't looking too promising right now. He should stop coming to these daily briefings. He provide no benefit. He sows confusion and rancor.
  22. Now your putting words into Trumps mouth to elevate this screwball idea seem almost approach something moderately crazy Speaking of which, where are you getting your talking points? Your not the first person to bring up chemotherapy to make this stupid idea sound not inane.
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