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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. It would be a guess on my part but since the Capitol was being prepared for the inauguration, I doubt they wanted any large gatherings there. As for stopping payments, that is just what Trump does. He has a long history of welching on deals.
  2. The dates on those links are after it came public that the Trump administration had turned down Pfizer's offer. Those links also don't say when the US will get the extra doses from Moderna and Pfizer. The Pfizer offer was to provide the additional 100 doses before fulfilling orders from other countries. When the Trump administration upped the order, Pfizer said they would have to fulfil other orders before delivering the additional 100 million to the US.
  3. Thank you for admitting that you are a traitor.
  4. And the people who stormed the Capitol, intent of disrupting the democratic process as defined in the Constitution and intent on hanging Mike Pence weren't "bent on destroying the fabric and well being of this Country"?
  5. You prefaced that with a statement that deserved a response. Free speech.
  6. Likewise the opinion of someone who would violate his oath to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic", but can't recognize a domestic enemy matters naught to me.
  7. There was a bunch of former military engaged in the insurrection on Jan 6 2021, just like back in 1861. They, and you, are still traitors.
  8. Well, a traitor like you can't recognize an insurrection. So I'm not surprised.
  9. Great, so an incumbent loser is free to do anything to maintain power by that logic.
  10. This is pure deflection because you can't defend the insurrection.
  11. I guess its good to know that you don't believe in democracy or our constitution. Congrats, traitor.
  12. No. There is a way to contest election by recounts, investigations of claims of voter fraud and through the courts. Those were tried and turned up nothing to change the outcome of a free and fair election. Storming the capitol was not simply "the wrong way". It was an insurrection. The people who stormed the capitol are traitors.
  13. The should be prosecuted? You said they merely wanted someone to listen to them.
  14. The people who wanted to "hang Mike Pence" simply wanted someone to listen to them?
  15. Based on what? How were they disenfranchised? Is it necessary to storm the capital to let your grievances known?
  16. There was little to nothing to say that HCQ could prevent infection or keep patients out of the hospital. There still isn't. The way to prove its effectiveness is to perform a double blind study. I agree that it was poorly handled. It was hyped repeatedly by POTUS and caused shortages for people who actually needed the medication for other illnesses.
  17. It was widely reported, and discussed here in early December, that Pfizer had offered to sell the US an additional 100 million doses before entering into contracts with other countries. Those offers were turned down.
  18. Probably because the administration did not let him go on shows like Meet The Press, Face The Nation etc.
  19. Why would it be absurd to cite political rallies? Surely you can't believe that you couldn't get the virus at a political rally. Are you so conceited to believe that since Trump didn't have a rally in California that people couldn't have transmitted the virus and his many rallies in Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Oklahoma etc? I don't know how things have or haven't changed in California. I know around here, indoor dining was not allowed, big box stores and grocery stores had capacity limits and lines in front of them, salons and gyms were closed. Now all that is allowed, with some capacity limits on dining indoors and gyms. I've also noticed an increase in social gatherings in homes and half masking in stores. I'm not surprised that the virus is surging.
  20. From what I've read, social gatherings amongst family and friends, in part caused by Covid fatigue, is the main driving factor behind the current surge. There isn't a single cause, but multiple causes. I heard one mayor saying in his city the driving factor in his city was big box stores and they were working with the stores to limit capacity. Certainly, large numbers of maskless people close together for hours, as was the case for Trump rallies, could be a source of spread for the virus.
  21. Why thank you. Considering the source, I take this as a high compliment.
  22. Is she running around insisting on being called "doctor"? Seems like Joseph Epstein is the one running around and purposely being condescending and insulting kiddo.
  23. So you answered a criticism of whataboutisms with a whataboutism. Nice.
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