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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. So sad to be you. You have nothing to say.
  2. My pants are fine. In what way have I been lied to? Conman and convicted felon Donald Trump lost the last election.
  3. TDS is an affliction that conman and convicted felon Donald Trump's cult followers suffer. You have to be deranged to follow that clown.
  4. Your comment should be directed to conman and convicted felon Donald Trump, moron.
  5. There is no NATO bill. Nobody actually pays into NATO. This is something conman and convicted felon Donald Trump and his willing marks can't seem to grasp.
  6. How so? Tua Tagovailoa is a guy who should really be concerned.
  7. Sounds like a solution in search of a problem. Unless you can prove that there is a substantial problem where noncitizens are voting, I see this as little more than voter suppression. The Heritage Foundation has documented 85 cases of noncitizens voting out of 2 billion votes cast between 2002 and 2023. This doesn't sound like much of a problem.
  8. Your right. The colonists weren't immigrants, they were invaders. They stole land from the indigenous people. They captured and forced Africans to come to this country against their will and held them as slaves. I suppose the descendants of those enslaved Africans who know no other country similarly shouldn't have citizenship? By your standards, I shouldn't have citizenship. I am part savage and the caucasian part of me came to this country after the "colonists" had stolen all the Native American land and broken every treaty made with the tribes and after slavery had ended. Even though my ancestors had less sins than the descendants of the colonists, even though my family has done more in service to this country (military service, service in POW camps, firefighting after foreign attacks) than the average descendants of the colonists, we should be deported. To this I say screw you.
  9. You don't have any? Where is the evidence of massive voter fraud on the part of illegals?
  10. Why are we deporting students and people with work visas? They are here legally and pay taxes. A woman who was brought here a a child, has grown up, married a US citizen and had children (who are also US Citizens) should be deported? Anyone who can't trace their roots to this country back to at least 1607 is an immigrant.
  11. Sadly, that district is so Republican that the primary is the general election.
  12. How do you know it was a democrat?
  13. Robert Hur, a Trump appointee and Special Council, explained it in his report "With one exception, there is no record of the Department of Justice prosecuting a former president or vice president for mishandling classified documents from his own administration. The exception is former President Trump. It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear. Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts. Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview. and in other ways cooperated with the investigation. In reaching our decision, we did not consider every circumstance m which criminal charges against a former president or vice president for mishandling classified information may be warranted. But on the facts of this case, "the fundamental interests of society" do not "require" criminal charges against Mr. Eiden.~ For this additional reason, applying the Principles of Federal Prosecution set forth in the Justice Manual, we decline prosecution."
  14. This is much ado about nothing. There wasn't an "armed raid". There was a search warrant properly executed. The FBI coordinated so that it didn't happen when the now convicted felon was there. They wore casual attire, not tactical gear with body armor, purposely. They were armed, as FBI agents always are, just like when they searched Biden's home. It is highly unusual for the subject of a search to claim equitable jurisdiction over the items seized. The magistrate judge who signed the search warrant understood that as did the 11th circuit court of appeals. The only people who don't understand that are Aileen Cannon and the right wing propaganda amplifying echo chamber. It isn't unusual for more things to be taken during a search warrant than are necessarily tied to the case. The photos weren't leaked, they were entered into the court filing in response to defense motions. This is all a smoke screen. It is nothing more than the people in the cult nursing their grievances, which seems to be their natural state.
  15. He was allowed to declassify them. If he had done so, shouldn't he have told someone so the rest of the government stopped treating other copies of these reports as classified? Regardless, he was not allowed to take them.
  16. So assuming all that is done, how much money does that save?
  17. Literally my very first sentence to you was asking that question. Jeez, talk about illiterate.
  18. No, I pointed out that cutting DOE would not be 25% of Federal spending. If you think I said otherwise, prove it.
  19. That "little while ago" was AFTER I pointed out that you can't get there simply but cutting the Department of Education.
  20. That was my point. Cutting the DOE doesn't get you anywhere near 25%. That is the only spending he mentioned cutting. All I'm asking is for him to come up with a plan to cut 25%.
  21. Take your attitude and shove it. You want to cut spending by 25%, then tell us how you would do it. It is that simple. It is easy to make statements like cut by 25%. It is harder to actually make that happen. Hint , you aren't going to get there without serious cuts to defense, social security, medicare and medicaid.
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