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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Seems to be the vaunted investigative journalists at Fox News, One America News, Newsmax and the like should be able to reveal the truth. Oh never mind. Those outlets don't actually have investigative journalism. They just repackage news and "ask questions" to feed their conspiracy theorist audience.
  2. Maybe, but the questions I raised still need to be answered to make any conspiracy you gin up to have any credibility at all.
  3. Certainly there were failures on the part of the Feds. The locals actually got somebody onto the roof, albeit temporarily. I'd say the nerd got lucky. Why would a Secret Service traitor recruit that nerd? How would he go about finding that nerd? Wouldn't a traitor in the Secret Service look for somebody with the skillset to actually accomplish the mission? That nerd certainly didn't have the cred.
  4. So you think a traitor in the Secret Service recruited and groomed this loner and loser and left no evidence or trail of any kind?
  5. What prevents conservatives or republicans from correcting those biases? Also, you dodged a question. What sources do you recommend and how do you know they are less biased and more accurate than Wikipedia?
  6. The fact that Wikipedia community sourced and funded would probably make it more reliable and accurate than something owned by Rupert Murdoch. There is nothing that prevents Republicans or Conservatives from editing Wikipedia entries. What sources do you recommend and how do you know they are less biased and more accurate than Wikipedia? Part of the reason Universities do not allow Wikipedia as a source is because it is a tertiary source. Basically the student isn't doing the work they are supposed to do. What sources do you recommend and how do you know they are less biased and more accurate than Wikipedia?
  7. He didn't vote in the primaries. The only record of him voting is in the midterms. If you listened to the classmate, he claimed Crooks hated all pols, Democrat and Republican alike.
  8. Yes but there is a spectrum to being a liar, conman, grifter and only in it for himself. Convicted felon Donald Trump is closer to George Santos on that scale than your average politician. The whole fake elector scheme to steal the election and the Jan 6 insurrection aren't the actions of someone who is voluntarily leaving office.
  9. FYI, there is a messaging feature in TBD that allows you to direct messages intended for an individual to that individual.
  10. How many times are you going to repost the same video?
  11. Maybe he was just nuts?
  12. Okay. For future reference I know you don't believe anything you link to. Do you similarly not believe anything you say or write?
  13. You linked to an article about democrats registering at republicans to vote in republican primaries, so yeah, I inferred that you believed the article and that Matthew Crooks, the topic of this thread, did that. It still amounts to mere speculation on your part to try to explain away inconvenient facts.
  14. Doesn't affect my skepticim in the least. Claiming he mede this move more royughly 2 years before the prmaries for tat purpose is grasping at straws. There ain't much information that he was a lefty. Nothing but pure specultion on your part.
  15. So that article wa written at the end of 2023 and this dude was savant enough to register as a fake Republican over 1 year earlier? Sounds like a stretch.
  16. So that is todays talking point from the right wing echo chamber? Blame it on DEI?
  17. So this guy went from uregistered to registering as a Republican some 2 years ago just to vote against Trump in the primary this year? That is a stretch.
  18. Why does this deserve a "wow"? He isn't "featured. He is background, if you actually read the article.
  19. Who here is excusing him? I haven't seen anybody do that. I think the point being made is that some of you are insisting force fitting a rational explanation onto an irrational person.
  20. Yawn. When facts get in the way, come up with some convoluted conspiracy. Seems like there should be some kind of political trail somewhere, unless of course he was just some kind of attention seeking lunatic.
  21. He was a registered Republican. I know that in an inconvenient fact for you. You continue to simply jump to the conclusion you want without any supporting evidence. By your logic, John Hinckley's acts were purely political when they were in fact delusional.
  22. That is disgusting but show me the link between that and Matthew Crooks.
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