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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. No more so that Maxine Waters speaks for everyone on the left.
  2. So the conviction of Hunter Biden should be thrown out.
  3. I believe the law is being applied evenly. Had Trump been cooperative with the National Archives, he wouldn't have been charged.
  4. Nothing the SC office did would quell the notion of bias amongst the right wing propaganda machine.
  5. No, he limited what the campaign finance expert to testify to. This is not unusual.
  6. He made pretrial rulings that were upheld. That is what Cannon has been avoiding.
  7. Finally the corrupt Judge Cannon has made an appealable order. I expect her order to be appealed, overruled and for he to finally be removed from this case. She botched issues with the search warrant and equitable jurisdiction over the evidence and was overruled then. This is her third strike.
  8. I notice you avoided the whole "stoking the fires" issue.
  9. Like Trump isn't stoking the fires every time he tells his minnions that they won't have a country anymore ovee a number of issues.
  10. Keep you tin foil hat firmly attached to your cranium. You believe some wacky conspiracy *****.
  11. The genie was let out of the bottle on Jan 6 2021.
  12. I'm not particularly shocked that it happened but he was and still is a threat to democracy.
  13. No party in the US was responsible for Covid. Short of getting a noose over Pence's head, everything is aokay with you. That says alot about you.
  14. POTUS is not the head of the Fed, though he does pick the chairman. Blaming Roundybout for the Covid 19 virus or an assassination attempt is pretty insane. Were you similarly upset when a bunch of Magadonians showed up with a gallows on Jan 6 shouting "Hang Mike Pence"?
  15. Donald Trump suggested that Barron would be a Florida delegate. Melania quickly put an end to that. If Pops continues to put his son is such situations, how is Pops cautioning his Barron that "he’s a target of individuals who do not have his best interest in mind"? Seems to me that Pops is making Barron fair play.
  16. You have an unhealthy obsession with other people's alleged incontinence. You might want to have that checked out.
  17. So sad to be you. You have nothing to say.
  18. Question, what do you think caused the inflation since 2021?
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