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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. They denied previous requsts but there were no such requesta for this event. That is what I and your links said.
  2. The Secret Service said they had turned down previous request but there were no requests for this event. Somehow you have to tie a Secret Service agent to the nerd. You haven't done that at all.
  3. It couldn't be just one person. There were two counter sniper teams consisting of two people each. How does one traitor control those four people? Where is your proof of any of this? Rhetorical questions are not proof. I'm fine with multiple people being fired. Multiple people failed.
  4. But crackpot conspiracy theorists are to be taken seriously? Why can't any of you produce some EVIDENCE?
  5. She is grossly incompetent but competent enough to organize this grand conspiracy and not get caught? Both can't be true. Regardless, it is nothing but speculation. I know that works when you are surrounded by fellow Trumptards but it doesn't work here. Where is the proof? What dots are you talking about?
  6. YOU don't have the answers. I know part of MAGA is projection but I don't have to prove anything. Crazy conspiracy theories are not evidence. Where is the proof? So what are you saying now? Is Cheatle part of the grand conspiracy?
  7. So you figured out that the agent in charge is the traitor? Were the Secret Service snipers in on the plot too? Do you have any evidence? The nerd only voted once, in the 2022 midterms, and never switched parties. So what is the point of this claim? And you think my theory is convoluted... Why would the leftists be happy with a live Trump and a dead zealot? You need to start thinking rationally.
  8. Still doesn't make sense. A single Secret Service agent couldn't clear a path for a sniper. Also the POS nerd was a republican. Facts Suck for you.
  9. The POS you mentioned is a Republican. Now the conspiracy involves the entire Secret Service? Keep getting more convoluted and stupid.
  10. I never said otherwise. However, those were as you stated "provocateurs". Where is the evidence that this nerd was influenced by those provocateurs? He was a Republican and his house had Pro Trump signs in the yard. Maybe that is all your news sources feed you. While I have heard comparisons to Hitler, including from his running mate, I see that as extreme. For the most part, the criticism I've heard is a wannabe authoritarian. That description fits. He speaks glowingly of Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un and Vikctor Orban. I never hear him talking positively about democracy stalwarts like Lincoln, Churchill or Reagan. 40 of the 44 people he appointed to high government positions and his own Vice President did not back his current run for office. Being anti-Trump is not radical and there is no evidence that this nerd was affected by that. My initial statements were meant to get you to understand that the very basic parts to make your conspiracy make sense were to far fetched to be rational. Apparently, you couldn't even manage that. Your theory that this nerd was recruited and groomed without leaving any evidence is looney tunes bat ***** crazy. I'm not sure why you believe I think "the left is pure". I'm a registered Republican. I've voted for Democrats once for President and once for Senator, having voted in every election since 1980. I just recognize Trump for the conman crooked threat to our Republic that he is.
  11. I think there is a 0% chance that a traitor in the Secret Service could reach out to this nerd, not have reached out to others and failed, not have his cover blown by some of those failures and gotten away with it. Your still pushing that Dems calling Trump Hitler crap? The nerd was a registered Republican. His house had pro-Trump signs in the lawn. He researched Biden as well. Looks more like he was a nut who took advantage of a target of opportunity.
  12. No, my argument is that it is difficult to believe that a traitor in the Secret Service would have recruited and groomed that nerd, who didn't have the credibility to pull off a successful assassination, without leaving some sort of a trail. Why even look for a disgruntled kid? Wouldn't you look for something like a former sniper from the military? You know, someone with the credibility to actually do the job?
  13. I think my argument that you keep dodging is why would a Secret Service traitor recruit that nerd? How would he go about finding that nerd? Wouldn't a traitor in the Secret Service look for somebody with the skillset to actually accomplish the mission? That nerd certainly didn't have the cred.
  14. Don't be silly. That isn't what Fox, OAN or Newsmax does. They ask questions and feed conspiracy theories.
  15. I don't know that they peddled anything from the link you provided. They reported the FBI said the shooter acted alone. They reported that two people at the University of Colorado thought three weapons were fired, but provided no data to back up this statement. Then CNN seemed to pivot back to a single shooter. All this was 5 days ago when the information was pretty raw. I guess I'd like to see the data supporting the theory from the University of Colorado. Also, why hasn't anyone in the media, crowd, or law enforcement come forward to say that shots came from multiple directions? Certainly the media and the Magadonians at this event can't be in on the giant conspiracy with the Secret Service, FBI, Pennsylvania State Police the Butler Township police. This doesn't make much sense to me but maybe the vaunted investigative journalists at Fox News, One America News, Newsmax and the like can analyze this data and present to truth to us.
  16. So if you were to recruit somebody to shoot at an ex-president with a secret service detail, you would pick this 20 year old nerd to worked as a nutritionist at a retirement community and was rejected from the rifle team in high school because he was a bad shot?
  17. Even if there were two shooters, it doesn't change the validity of my questions. Why would a Secret Service traitor recruit that nerd? How would he go about finding that nerd? Wouldn't a traitor in the Secret Service look for somebody with the skillset to actually accomplish the mission? That nerd certainly didn't have the cred.
  18. Seems to be the vaunted investigative journalists at Fox News, One America News, Newsmax and the like should be able to reveal the truth. Oh never mind. Those outlets don't actually have investigative journalism. They just repackage news and "ask questions" to feed their conspiracy theorist audience.
  19. Maybe, but the questions I raised still need to be answered to make any conspiracy you gin up to have any credibility at all.
  20. Certainly there were failures on the part of the Feds. The locals actually got somebody onto the roof, albeit temporarily. I'd say the nerd got lucky. Why would a Secret Service traitor recruit that nerd? How would he go about finding that nerd? Wouldn't a traitor in the Secret Service look for somebody with the skillset to actually accomplish the mission? That nerd certainly didn't have the cred.
  21. So you think a traitor in the Secret Service recruited and groomed this loner and loser and left no evidence or trail of any kind?
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