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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Where is the proof of illegals or dead people voting? Most states do have paper ballots. In fact all mail in ballots are paper ballots.
  2. It was very likely. There was a pandemic. There were more mail in ballots that in any election in history. Democrats encouraged people to vote by mail. Trump told people the mail in ballots shouldn't be trusted and people should vote in person. It was anticipated that things would look better for Trump on election day than they really were.
  3. So your proof is a made up graph posted by a partisan hack. Got it.
  4. You mean the ballots that were mailed in and couldn't be counted until election day?
  5. Its the Republicans that engage in most of the voter suppression.
  6. This sounds positively Trumpian. Did Sidney Powell fly to Venezuela to release the Kraken?
  7. That is the way it works in the country. To convict somebody of a crime you have to have EVIDENCE. I see have taken to nursing your grievances. I understand that this is the natural state of Magadonians. I'll leave you to pout in the corner with your pacifier.
  8. Shokin was given 14 months not 8. Why did both Poroshenko, his boss, and Vitaliy Kasko, his deputy, call Shokin corrupt? Why did Shokin stonewall the British when they were investigating Mykola Zlochevskiy, the owner of Burisma, for money laundering? Why did anti-corruption groups in Ukraine claim Shokin was corrupt? If removing Shokin wasn't US policy, wouldn't Obama and multiple people in the departments of State and Justice know about it and say something? No, Biden should not be impeached without evidence. That evidence would have to be a money trail that leads right to Joe Biden. That doesn't exist, in spite of Gym Jordan and Comer Pyle and their investigators searching for it for months.
  9. I've thought Hunter was a dirtbag for quite some time. He certainly was using his family's name to make money. So were Ivanka Trump and Jerod Kushner, though Hunter wasn't given a position in the White House like Ivanka and Jerod. People trading in on their family name is as old as history. However, this doesn't prove corruption on Joe Bidens part. You have to find evidence of money going to Joe Biden and nobody has found that, not for lack of trying. The prosecutor was considered corrupt by the US and many EU countries. Removing him was US policy.
  10. You need to show money going to Joe Biden. Otherwise its just talk from a crackhead.
  11. I would have thought that the Dominion voting machines, with their Hugo Chavez connection, would have fixed this.
  12. Primaries aren't in the Constitution. I do not simmer in the stew of conspiracies you do. I base my opinions on EVIDENCE. What EVIDENCE do you have?
  13. If Biden is guilty, why didn't the GOP controlled House bring impeachment charges?
  14. None, the same number as Trump since the election hasn't happened yet.
  15. If Biden is guilty, why didn't the GOP controlled House bring impeachment charges? I disagree that Trump was exonerated but that is irrelavent to this thread.
  16. You want to see gullible? Look in a mirror. Trump had no interest in Hunter or Joe Biden until Joe Biden announced his candidacy. Only then did Trump want Zelensky to "announce an investigation". The didn't even have to conclude an investigation. All Trump wanted to do is to dirty Joe Biden up. And it wasn't a blank check. It was the amount that Trump had agreed to with Congress.
  17. Your attempts at deflection are truly pitiful.
  18. I think her potential serious challengers looked at the calendar, her serious advantages in the office she holds, organization and funding and decided to let her have the field this time. If she wins, great, Trump is defeated. If she loses, she is out of contention and the field is clearer in 2028.
  19. The BBC does not determine who wins the nomination. The delegates do that. Until the vote is taken, she is the presumptive nominee.
  20. Is the party saying that or are they saying she is the presumptive nominee?
  21. Nope. They tried to impeach him for engaging in extortion of another country and for Jan 6.
  22. Only one side tried to overturn a free and fair election by pressuring officials in 5 states to overturn the results, organizing fake electors and inciting an insurrection.
  23. For some reason, it is lost on some people that Harris is just the presumptive nominee. Anyone could challenge her. The only problem is anyone who was considered a serious contender actually endorsed her.
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