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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Your original statement was "that COVID was not a threat to kids". That is what I took issue with and your are demonstrably wrong. Your next criticism was that I did not provide a link. Now you are saying I didn't address pneumonia. Here is part of an abstract "We find that in one state alone—Hawaii—three years of Covid-19 mortality is equivalent to influenza and pneumonia mortality in the three years preceding the Covid-19 pandemic. For all other states, at least nine years of flu and pneumonia are needed to match Covid-19; for the United States as a whole, seventeen years are needed; and for four states, more than 21 years (the maximum observable) are needed. These results provide an easy-to-understand calibration of flu as a heuristic for Covid-19, and vice versa." Here is a link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10168500/ Covid is far more contagious than the flu. The last Flu pandemic to rival the latest Covid Pandemic was back in 1918. We didn't even know what viruses were back then and letting nature take its course was the only solution.
  2. I'm not the butt-head who doesn't know what "stepping down" means or what the 25th ammenment does or how it works. Basically, everything you wrote was wrong.
  3. Thanks for admitting that you are pulling poop out of your derriere.
  4. Other than Harris, none of those people can threaten the 25th amendment. Do you have any proof this happened?
  5. Are you really that thick or do you think you can redefine the english language? Do we really have to retread this? What does the 25th amendment have to do with elections?
  6. Let's see, how can I explain this in a way you might understand, HE IS STLL IN OFFICE.
  7. I compared Covid to influenza.
  8. Re-election and seeking election are the same thing. Why did you bring the 25th amendment into this? I'm guessing that you just didn't think you would be called on this stupid stunt.
  9. Covid is more deadly than flu for children. Flu has claimed between 1 and 199 deaths per year over the last 10 years. Covid has been with us for between 4-5 years with an average death rate of about 355 per year. Your criticize me for not assessing risk vs reward when I haven't expressed any opinion on whether or not schools should have closed or not. I am simply pointing out that you don't know the data so your assessment probably sucks.
  10. What does the 25th amendment have to do with elections?
  11. Any proof that his cabinet was considering this at all? It isn't like he inspired and insurrection and the second sacking of the Capital since the War of 1812.
  12. At least 1682 children in the U.S. have died from Covid.
  13. I do not consider the justices I criticized to be on the "other side of the aisle". How exactly did HRC use the Steele Dossier, which if memory serves was started by the Washington Free Beacon (a conservative site) during the primaries?
  14. If he loses, he will be in jail.
  15. My biggest problems with the Supreme Court is that Thomas is corrupt and that both Thomas and Alito either openly sympathize with or sleep with people favorable to the insurrection. Both should recuse themselves from anything Jan 6 related. I guess I am as partisan as Liz Cheney, Tom Rice, Dan Newhouse, Adam Kinzinger, Tony Gonzales, Fed Upton, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Peter Meijer, John Katko, David Valadao, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey.
  16. This is not complicated. After 24 years of service, the man decided to retire and did so before his unit was activated. Most likely, he made his intentions known about a year in advance. 24 years is longer than most people spend in service and 20 years longer than James Donald Bowman served. If he had skills that the Army felt could not be easily replaced, they could have put a stop-loss on his retirement and forced him to serve. They did stop-lossed many people once Iraq ramped up but didn't bother to do so in this case. Impeached but not convicted. He is trying to get the 34 count conviction thrown out based on "absolute Presidential immunity" even though he was not President when he hatched the scheme with ***** and Cohen. A Judge he appointed, who the chief judge in the 11th District encouraged recusal, stalled his espionage and obstruction of justice case for over an year and then threw it out completely. He has at least 2 Supreme Court justices, who should have recused themselves, who act more like defense attorneys and came up with an absurd immunity ruling. Nobody else would get these breaks.
  17. Trump called Putin a genius for invading Ukraine. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/russia-ukraine-latest-news/card/trump-calls-putin-s-invasion-of-ukraine-smart-blames-biden-for-not-doing-enough-JicGb9xT5GnCZpQdiBjN
  18. Let's see. There are 10 Jewish Senators, 9 are Democrats and the 10th is Bernie Sanders. There are 27 Jewish Congressmen, 25 are Democrats and 2 are Republicans. Kamala Harris is married to a Jew. The Secretary of State, Attorney General, Director of National Intelligence, Chief of Staff, Secretary of Homeland Security and Treasury Secretary are all Jewish but yeah, sure James Donald Bowman or whatever you call yourself, the Democrat Party is antisemitic. 🙄
  19. What a moron. Doesn't he realize Joe Biden is still POTUS?
  20. Jerod Kushner couldn't get a security clearance. The Saudi Prince Salman even said he had Kushner in his pocket, after giving him $2 billion.
  21. That and his Secretary of Defense. What are your sources and how do you know they are any better than the MSM?
  22. Trump didm't offer security and Pelosi didn't turn it down.
  23. I keep reading here that Nancy Pelosi is responsible for Jan 6 2021. How many rooftops need to be secured at an indoor event?
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