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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. I tried searching on "Trump rally" and the first two pages of results were regarding Trump rallies. Where is the manipulation?
  2. Wikipedia is not controlled by the media or mythical "Security State" It is community based and you can track the changes to the page by clicking on the blue "View history" link in the upper right hand corner.
  3. As the old propogandist mantra goes, "repeat a lie often enough, people will eventually come to believe it". That is what is happening to you. Funny how people can find Trump's full remarks on Charlottesville but can't find Joe Biden calling Kamala Harris "Border Czar". That is because he never said that. If there is a conspiracy here if is from Trumps and his minions trying to manipulate you. Why don't you post a link to what you found?
  4. I do not live in the stew of conspiracy theories. While conspiracies happen from time to time, most of the dreck you buy into is a grift from ****heads like Alex Jones. Epstein is irrelevant to discussions of the 25h amendment. Other than Harris, none of the people can threaten the 25th amendment, neither could Epstein, if he were still alive.
  5. You can't find a speed by the president naming her "Border Czar" because it doesn't exist. If it did, shouldn't Faux New, OAN or Newsmax be showing it?
  6. Wow! You're so fragile you resort to this when someone asks for proof? How sad to be you.
  7. I"m not sure what any of this means.
  8. What?! Is James Donald Bowman returning to his "Trump is America's Hitler" roots?
  9. Can James Donald Bowman, who called Trump "Amerca's Hitler", point to any announcement from the administration putting Kamal Harris in charge of the border?
  10. Kamala Harris is not in charge of the border.
  11. You answered your own question. According to Second Amendment purists, he shouldn't be executed merely for having a gun. BTW, your source is funded by the Heritage Foundation.
  12. How many times are you guys going to repost rhe same drivel frm James Donald Bowman, who called Trump America's Hitler?
  13. Where was it reported that he as visited by a DP Phone # on multiple occasions? Even if that is true, how much does that mean with cell phones today? People move to other states and see no reason to change cell phone numbers.
  14. What if what is causing the pneumonia has nothing to do with schools? Causes include aspiration, fungi, bacteria (frequently from long hospital stays). I'm questioning how relevant it is to the discussion.
  15. Okay so that shows that Covid caused more than 3X the number of deaths as influenza. Exactly what are you trying to get at with pneumonia? Many things can cause pneumonia including Covid 19.
  16. Not me. I have a strict rule of never getting between a man and his furniture.
  17. Proving neither party has a corner on the petulant child market. However, Stacy Abrams isn't running for POTUS.
  18. No, that is just avoiding the petulant orange child who couldn't admit losing the last election and then concocting schemes to overturn the results.
  19. Never missing an opportunity to show how gullible a human could be.
  20. Once again I will point out that I have not given any opinion regarding school shut downs. I took you to task over your false statement that Covid was not a risk to children. If you want to discuss shutdowns, we can do that but first we have to agree on some basic facts. Will you admit that Covid is a risk to children? Will you agree that Covid has caused more deaths in children that the flu or pneumonia have over equivalent periods of time? Will you agree that Covid is more transmissible that influenza? If you can't get your facts right, you can't properly assess risk.
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