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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Ronald Reagan wouldn't recognize today's Republican Party and would be considered a RINO.
  2. Consistent with another thread where I learned that there was nothing wrong with brining a gallows to the capitol, chanting "Hang Mike Pence", as long as no necks were stretched.
  3. Why don't you tell us what you saw. Also, please explain why the obvious evidence was never presented in over 60 court cases?
  4. How was the election stolen? Why didn't Trump show any evidence of fraud or malfeasance in any court case (over 60 of them)? Why didn't the Republican Governors or Secretaries of States, where they existed in the battleground states, find any fraud? Why do you believe Donald Trump, adjudicated fraudster and the man who has the most incentive to lie, over Kris Krebs, his appointed Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency? Why do you believe Donald Trump, adjudicated fraudster and the man who has the most incentive to lie, over Bill Barr, his Attorney General? Why do you believe Donald Trump, adjudicated fraudster and the man who has the most incentive to lie, ove Ken Block, one of the men the Trump campaign hired to find fraud?
  5. Why does the Military Industrial Complex want open borders? Seems like they would want just the opposite. Why does the Security State want open borders? Seems like they would want just the opposite. Why does multi billion dollar global corporations want us toe have open borders? Seems like they wouldn't care. When Trump asked for $1 Billion from big oil, aren't they part of "multi billion dollar global corporations"?
  6. If a doctor does a favor for some rich dude with the expectation of favors in return that could help his business, I could see him mentioning that to his family back around the 1968 timeframe. How did the bone spurs, that can only be removed by surgery, magically go away?
  7. There I have what? Please explain what I have. How did the bone spurs, that can only be removed by surgery, magically go away?
  8. The legitimate podiatrist rented space from Fred Trump. The podiatrist's family claims that he gave that diagnosis as a favor to Fred Trump. If there was ever a problem in the building, the podiatrist would call Fred Trump and the problem would be fixed quickly. Donald Trump can not remember what foot the bone spurs were in. Donald Trump says the bone spurs went away on their own but looking information up on the Cleveland Clinic, it says bone spurs are permanent and can only be removed by surgery. Why oh why don't people simply believe Donald Trump, adjudicated fraudster?
  9. Equating someone who served 24 years, and had been activated and deployed at least once in that time, to someone who dodged service entirely with a bogus claim of bone spurs is stupid beyond words but considering the source, not surprising.
  10. How was he supposed to know his unit would be deployed to Iraq if he gave his notice to retire 7 months before his unit was told it would be deployed and he was actually retired 2 months before his unit was told it would be deployed? After 24 years of service, and a deployment that had been completed, how is it dishonorable to not commit for another 4 years?
  11. So you believe that Donald Trump and Willie Brown were on a helicopter ride together, the helicopter got into trouble, was going to crash, and Willie Brown said something like "Donald, before we die I've got to tell you about this crazy chick I used to date..."? And now Willie Brown in the one lying?
  12. Why would I waste my time on that? I'm not in the cult of the Orange con man.
  13. Willie Brown denies ever being on a helicopter with pathological liar Donald Trump.
  14. Produce some evidence otherwise that can stand up in court and you people might believe otherwise. Why was no such evidence presented in over 60 court cases?
  15. Those 81 million are not the people who bought into Pizzagate or swallowed adjudicated faudster Donald Trump's obvious con.
  16. Yeah the House and Senate evacuating behind armed guards was rather inconvenient.
  17. What if the Feds pass a law outlawing abortion?
  18. I do find JD Vance's reaction to service member's retirement after 24 years rather funny. I'm glad we finally agree on something. Nothing says peaceful to me like showing up with a gallows.
  19. Meh. According to the Minnesota National Guard, he filed his paperwork to retire 3-5 months before being told they might be deployed and retired 2 months before they were told they would be deployed. He'd also been activated at least once during his 24 years of service. If he held a skill that the Army thought was critical, they could have stop-lossed him as they did with many other people. I see no reason for him to reup for another 4 years in this situation. He served far longer than most and 20 years longer than James Donald Bowman.
  20. How can anyone worried about the momentum behind the ever-increasing debt support Trump, an adjudicated persistent fraudster, after all the debt he created in his 4 years in office? I haven't heard any proposals to cut the debt but certainly heard proposals to increase it even faster.
  21. Just because the study was limited to that time frame does not mean that memory cells do not persist.
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