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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Um noooooo....all I do is come on here and post my thoughts on a topic. YOU guys are the ones turning everything upside down.
  2. Get it right...sheesh!
  3. I told you before...he didn't turn purple from that.
  4. The most effective kind!
  5. I have no idea what you are talking about.
  6. Actually, EC is hoping someone would kiss him so he'd turn into a handsome prince or something.
  7. Had some weird elves pop up on my screen when I clicked on that link.
  8. Hopefully she won't send the mob after you.
  9. Thank you...now go take the trash out!
  10. Does she know yet?
  11. I was taught by the best!
  12. Probably a good idea.
  13. Sounds like a good idea to me! I'll make it easy for you. This is the one I want. Link
  14. (I was joking.) Nobody heard that, I hope.
  15. Oh great...
  16. My camera broke.
  17. What can I say...I'm a creative gal.
  18. Uh....thank you...I guess???
  19. Been one of those days. Time for a . Hey if the smilie is there you gotta use it, right? Professional wrestling is FAKE!!
  20. My 60 something...well actually I think she's in her 70's...found her current husband using an online service. I had no idea she even used computers so it surprised me when I learned she had met him that way.
  21. Yeah, he is. He's one of the good ones.
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