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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Oh, hey, Meazza!
  2. Did her mom actually show her how to cook? My mom did all of the cooking while I was a kid but she also had us help her once and a while. That's the only way I learned. I'm too lazy to learn on my own.
  3. Oh, he'll be here soon enough.
  4. While cooking?
  5. Young at heart.
  6. Seahawks and Oregon State Beavers.
  7. Yep, I can cook. Not saying I'm the greatest cook but I know the basics and can put together a well balanced heathy meal.
  8. Ah man, this sucks. He was great in "Everyone Loves Raymond."
  9. Cool! Does it have big candy pieces inside??
  10. I think he may have inhaled too much of his clown makeup to think clearly anymore.
  11. I'm saving them for the rest of the week.
  12. "I feel happy. I feel happy."
  13. Hey, don't steal my line!
  14. Find out what your obituary will say. Here is mine. "Awaiting trial for lewd behavior, Lana died a horrific death. Lana will be terribly missed by Darth Vader." Quiz Link
  15. No, it smells...lovely.
  16. Oh cool, LSI is buying us all a gift! How sweet!
  17. I like this one. Link
  18. I wasn't talking about her...
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