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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I have a feeling something HUGE is going to happen soon! Seems to be building up to that.
  2. Yeah, by using her faking crying and whining to get her way.
  3. I'm going to call it. If I'm right, you all owe me a trip to Maui! I need to get out of this rain!! Anyway, when Brachel come in last, that's when Phil will come up with the non-elimination round. He will only do this because he knows how much I can't stand that team.
  4. What can I say? They are my "type" athletic and handsome.
  5. Dang, sad to see this team go tonite. Coupala hotties. They were stupid to leave the task they were almost finished with.
  6. $4.09...went up $.10/gal overnight.
  7. RIP little buddy. I will miss you. AJ, I'm here for you if you need me.
  8. AJ's just taking gibberish, as always.
  9. Out frig shopping today. Yay!
  10. Same here in Portland. The crazy ones are the people who ride their bike up in the west hills here. And there are a ton of people who do this. All of the roads are narrow, windy, steep roads with no shoulders on them. Not to mention the steep cliffs they could fall down if they happened to fall of the road.
  11. $3.99 Portland, OR Seems like it went up a $1/gal in past week or so.
  12. G__d B_e? He's too smug for idol. On the other hand HeeJun is just...silly but fun to watch. Has a great voice too!
  13. You guys are such wimps! I'd totally do it! I can't stand that they put Rachael on here. Brandon I can deal with but she's just a whinny complainer. Guess I'll just FF when she starts talking. The hillbilly guys are very entertaining.
  14. Especially if I have those two hunks help me.
  15. "Keep Portland weird!"
  16. I would take an arse kicking MALE nurse over an arrogant doctor any day.
  17. You obviously don't know the real meaning of nurse bed side manner. It's much different than Doctor bed side manner.
  18. He does have excellent bed side manner.
  19. What, no love for the Portland,Oregon contestants?? BTW, did you see me on TV?
  20. I saw previews for the 3D version of this movie when I went to see another 3D movie. I wasn't too impressed with the 3D special effects. To me, it looked like I was watching it on a nice quality HDTV. That's what it seems like with all of these old movies that they are making 3D. Not worth the extra $$ for me.
  21. Well, that's strange. Sorry, I don't have any other answers.
  22. Ah, , they are on here?? Ugh, might ruin it for me. Bad move, AR!
  23. Irs.gov has fillable forms.
  24. Heck yeah!
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