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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Can you get over here this week?
  2. We get a few here too. Not nearly as bad as CA though.
  3. Yes, you have...remember?
  4. Very cool! Congrats EC!!
  5. Why did he even have to punch her in the face?? What did he think...she was going to come after him??
  6. If I would have taken this test back in grade school I'd know all of them. Now, I could probably name about 10...maybe.
  7. Eh, but he can't fight off the aliens.
  8. You don't want to know.
  9. I was just joking around. I know these tests are BS and I don't take them seriously. But if you'd like my results here they are: Mood: Sofisticat Fun: Escape artist Habits: Junky monkey Love: Love bug Do your research know.
  10. Mulder beat him to it!
  11. Sorry, Mulder is helping me out with something right now.
  12. No, no...I was referring to our video making business. It's been very lucrative since October of last yr.
  13. Yeah, duh, get it right!
  14. To get back on the subject. I am part owner and an accounting manager for a small business.
  15. I think it may be better left up to your imagination.
  16. Well, you know...
  17. My goodness...I knew you guys were gonna say something but I'm serious. Just moved into a new house about a yr ago so need some ideas.
  18. Been hanging around you too much!
  19. Cool, will you come over and landscape my back yard??
  20. I don't think I would have either. I was fighting turning 30 up until the last minute.
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