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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. 20 years ago maybe.
  2. I fired up my HDTV on Sunday to watch this but the stupid HD channel wasn't working.
  3. Heeeyll no! AJ is wonderful. Actually, I was speaking for majority of the audience who watches AI. You know...the teenie boppers.
  4. Cause he's cute and has beautiful hair!
  5. Peace brothas! Enough of the bickering!
  6. Well, we are a little more laid back out here on the west coast. I agree, bring it back to NYC Trump!
  7. My first concert was REM back in the 90s some time. Favorite would have to be Amos Lee. Although Blue Man group was pretty awesome too.
  8. Can we vote him off yet??
  9. I wish I can watch this show in HD but the HD Channel was not working last night. Not sure what was going on. Pretty cool to watch though. The great white shark attack was awesome!
  10. Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day.
  11. Cool, you fell for it! I was going for the latter.
  12. I think he enjoys making a fool of himself.
  13. Yeah, I agree. One of the DJs on a radio station here mentioned that he hasn't watched AI in years but started watching again just to see Sanjaya make a fool of himself and to see if he's still around.
  14. I want to go back to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  15. What will you be doing in Argentina??
  16. I wonder if Sanjaya is starting to feel guilty cause all of the better singers are starting to getting booted off but he's still here.
  17. Congrats sweetiecakes!
  18. What's the secret for level 4? I'm talking about the game here.
  19. Wow, impressive!
  20. Only took you 9 months to see this...
  21. Hmmmm....looks kinda funny. I might go see it.
  22. Which stones??
  23. Uh yyyyeeah. I watch MAYBE one movie a week if I'm lucky. Come on you guys...AJ does pay attention to me. Why do you think I'm only able to watch one movie per week?
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