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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I'm in Oregon. Watch out for the Seahawks fans!
  2. Tennis seems to be on the rise and American Gladiators.
  3. Just stay out of Portland. If my sister catches you speeding she won't make a mistake in the paperwork. I can guarantee that.
  4. Explanation to Paula's behavior.
  5. I thought for sure he'd leave his wife for me!
  6. ...love me too?? Yeah, I knew that.
  7. Yeah, we sure do!
  8. I'm not worried. I have other people that love me.
  9. :nana: Does that help change your mind?
  10. I agree!
  11. No worries, I wasn't offended.
  12. I was in the one you provided. Didn't you see me??
  13. Yes, i believe you have before! It's not my real name, anyway.
  14. Why, yes! I was there this past week. I told everyone that I was in California but, really, I was there!
  15. Ummm hmmmm, likely excuse! Thank you!
  16. Um...they forgot me!
  17. I agree. I had some California Cabernet Franc a few days ago that was awesome! Never tried it before and it was free! The guys at the winery knew it was my birthday.
  18. Well, yeah...he didn't respond to my b-day thread! I've been in Monterey/Carmel, California, this past week celebrating my bday! Loved it there and didn't want to come back to rainy, cold, miserable Oregon. Boo!! You guys (and gals) are the coolest people! Thanks all for the birthday wishes. Made my day!
  19. Happy b-day!
  20. Tell that to the tree-huggers here. They've been mixing corn in ours since January. Our gas prices have jumped a kajillion dollars since then while millage/per gallon has decreased.
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