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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Happy, happy birthday!
  2. I was going to ask the same thing.
  3. Bollywood
  4. Only 100 movies?? I have almost 500.
  5. Sheesh, it was this weekend! How can you forget?
  6. Oh, I was wondering when it was... What's your thread count?
  7. But it's really me in my profile pic!
  8. <-------------------------------this is not me.
  9. I feel sick to my stomach...
  10. Hope you get well soon. We miss you!
  11. My bro and his family do this all the time. They love it. I have never tried but it sounds fun!
  12. Wow...
  13. YAY! BEAT L.A.!
  14. And keep it out of reach of children.
  15. Based on the responses here I don't think I need to read the article.
  16. Um, I did reveal stuff. It's just hidden in the text. You need to figure out the code.
  17. This is why I DON'T eat tomatoes. Gross!
  18. Here is my sister's take on it. She is just about to graduate from the academy so she has some experience. Hmmm... ok. Right off the bat, in the first paragraph, there's enough information there to say the officers were justified. It sounds like the guy got a hold of the officer's taser and started tasing the officers. That action could disable the officer long enough for the bad guy to grab the officers gun and shoot the officer so the bad guy needs to be stopped before that happens. Then, if you back it up to when they first got there, the bad guy had "metal flower stands" and refused to drop them. Depending on how big these stands were and whether they'd be able to cause "serious physical injury" or death then the officers could be justified in shooting him if he came at them with the stands. It sounds like he didn't come at them so the taser is the next level of force down from lethal. If the guy is being "staticly resistant" they are perfectly fine using the taser on him. Also... keep in mind that this is from a news station and they rarely get all the facts. The officers' reports would outline their justification. If there wasn't a taser in the hands of the bad guy then I would say they probably weren't justified unless one of the officers were in a compromising position or they were loosing steam to the point where the bad guy could overtake him and grab his weapon. (Or if the officer was getting his head smashed against the pavement like one of Portland's finest got to experience). Anyhoo... that's just my initials thoughts on it. I wouldn't say anything for certain though until I got the whole story from the reports.
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