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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Oh, I was thinking that's perfect, if he'll be there.
  2. I'll go take care of it. He's about an hour's drive from here.
  3. Is Steven Tyler coaching them next week??
  4. Yeah, I was hoping that too. Based on song choice and performance Danny should have been the one who got the boot. He butchered that song! At least Michael Johns, from last season, sang it perfectly.
  5. One of my sisters did home schooling when she was in high school. From what I remember they do have people available to help if she has questions. For the social part they do have field trips and other outings with other home schooled kids. I can't remember the name of the school she used but I can find out if you want.
  6. Miss you BiB... He knew some good recipes.
  7. 15 Strangest Lamps
  8. I heard that Shatner was ticked that they didn't even ask him to make a cameo in the new movie. What's up with that??
  9. All of these threads happened before my time. Man, I missed out.
  10. Or that chicken movie we only watched about 10 mins of? Remember that one?
  11. Happy b-day!
  12. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=87595 Could help??
  13. Mmmmmmm coffee! My favorite kind right now is any hazelnut flavored coffee.
  14. Looks like I need to take up sewing.
  15. Exactly. We definitely have an overabundance of wine out here.
  16. Guess you didn't get my Kettlecorn popcorn joke. But, yeah, I don't believe in diets. Kegtapr is right on...it's more of a lifestyle change than anything.
  17. So does Target.
  18. No mini sausages allowed at my party.
  19. Yeah, but there comes a time when they should just retire, ya know?
  20. So if they have received your check, why haven't I received my refund from them yet?
  21. Hubba-hubba So, you going on a popcorn diet?
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