Back when I was in college, I was driving on icy roads one winter when the car in front of me hit the oncoming truck. I slammed on my breaks (I know, not a smart thing to do on icy roads but had no choice) and stopped about a foot from the wreck. It seemed I was sliding forever but finally the bumper on my Chevy Luv truck caught on the guard rail on the side of the road. I think that's what stopped me in time. It's been over 10 years since it happened but I can still remember it clearly. The wreak itself happened so fast but as I was witnessing it, it seemed like it was going in slow motion. The tires flying off the on coming truck was pretty scary too. Luckily both drivers survived but the guy in the truck was pretty banged up. Not a fun sight to see. I was pretty shaken up for a few days after it happened.
Another time I was driving on a highway and this jeep in front of us just all the sudden flipped. It rolled a few times before it stopped. Luckily we were far enough behind to see it and swerve around it.