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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. We've had 4 days in a row of weather over 100 degrees. Unheard of in these parts.
  2. Hey Stuck, have you seen Gran Torino? This line just reminds me of Clint's character in that movie.
  3. Ugh, horrible!
  4. My bro lives in the bay area and says the same thing. I should have planned a trip down there this week.
  5. It's almost like we switched weather with Texas. Gonna be 100 again today.
  6. Wow, this is still going?? Guess it's about time I win.
  7. I heard Texas is also experiencing serious drought in some areas.
  8. Wow
  9. Thank you, Dean. I just have to weed out the jerks once and a while.
  10. Wow, that was low. I really don't like you much. Go away...
  11. Well, this weather isn't normal weather for us.
  12. I was actually doing an experiment on that exact subject.
  13. 103 yesterday, 105 today, 107 tomorrow. With no relief until maybe this weekend. Guess it's time to break out the bikini... Had to double check that I was still in Oregon...not Arizona. How hot is it where you are??
  14. I have stopped watching this joke of a show after last year's The Bachelor.
  15. You can have some of our 90 plus degree weather.
  16. I'm sure there's an application on FB to do that.
  17. You aren't supposed to ask the same question twice. Against the rules.
  18. People you friended.
  19. Maybe, maybe not!
  20. That's sad to hear. His books were great reads.
  21. Huh? what did you say??
  22. Yep, yep...I am.
  23. How about Portland's new team?? We'll see how long this lasts. We just lost our lacrosse team.
  24. Nope, not what I meant.
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