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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I'm not his girl. And, yeah, I beat ya to it SD!!
  2. Big whoop. Leverage is currently filming in Portland.
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. Yeah, but this thing on my ankle doesn't let me cross the border.
  5. Who are you??
  6. Nope, sure am not! He's so fiiiiine!
  7. Oh, too bad...there aren't any in Oregon.
  8. But, I think Beerball is hot!
  9. Pink elephants. Is that a good sign?
  10. I was not liquored up.
  11. A covered wagon?
  12. Ah, must not have taken very long to get banned.
  13. Guess I missed that...
  14. What does that have to do with it?
  15. Yeah, Beerball is a sweatheart!
  16. Beerball doesn't need those. I haven't seen a commercial in over a year thanks to a D V R.
  17. I just need a steely dan free zone somewhere on here.
  18. Your avatar is gross!!
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