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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Not to worry...they only aim them at red sports cars.
  2. Also bring back The Dean!
  3. I usually see them with the "gun" resting on their open driver side door. They do have to aim it at a flat surface, usally the license plate, to make it work. BTW, to fully understand what officers go through day in and day out, you all should do a ride along with them. I think you'd appreciate how much they put their life on the line to protect you from the crazies running around the streets. I have two family members that are police officers and I worry every day that they come home safe every night. It's a crazy world out there.
  4. I'm just impressed that I was able to emit a cloud of BLUE dust. (See photo) How impressive is that?
  5. Quack quack. :-D Dan the man pulled another doozy tonite!
  6. I like Mead's offer better.
  7. I did...not to worry...all better now.
  8. Maybe they are one in the same...
  9. Aw, I always like this guy. Sad to hear this.
  10. Is Steely Dan even around any more?
  11. Just having a bad day, I suppose.
  12. I actually taught myself how to ride a bike. My parents never had time to teach me and I was so determined to learn so I took it on myself.
  13. Sorry, for ranting earlier. Was having a let down with some of my friends. Should not have used my rantings for sympathy. If you want to take me out of the running to win this, go ahead.
  14. I should be the winner. Going through some ****ty times right now. :-(
  15. Yeah, and after readin AJ's posts above about him...Ick! I have always liked Dan. He seems like a good person. Like them Catholic boys. Like you said, let's just hope he doesn't stab Frank in the back. I also like Frank in that when the odds are against him, he seems to be able to pull out ahead.
  16. Woo!! I can't wait for this show. Chippendales! Hubba hubba
  17. Holy crap that was an excellent move! The look on Ian's face. Lol
  18. You sure there are no jobs in the PacNW for this type of degree? Prob not your first place to live though.
  19. It's so hot outside that I'm melting. Us Northwestoners are not used to this...
  20. Buckyballs, eh?
  21. This thread needs a new title.
  22. Muaaahaaahaaa!!!
  23. Thank you, I was going to mention them in my post above but forgot. I'm sort of biased but they are the best fast food restaurant around here! Right now they have the Walla Walla sweet onion burger that's amazing.
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