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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. The actual character of Darth Vader. I like a powerful man.
  2. Wow, it's been 4 years already?? Miss you Bib.
  3. Why does it sound like the has a bad case of gas at the end of the video? Either that, it's a helicopter flying overhead.
  4. For all of the World Cup fanatics...you can download the schedule to Outlook.
  5. But you can't hear the announcers anyway with all the horns blowin'.
  6. If you don't like the horns turn the volume on your tv down.
  7. My interest in the sport grew after I watched it during the Olympics. Looks pretty fun to play.
  8. Someone's gotta like 'em.
  9. He's still hot.
  10. Oh, another Sister Hazel- "Absolutely"
  11. Muse: "Black Holes and Revelations" I also like any Train CD and someone else mentioned Modest Mouse. They do grow on you after a couple of listens.
  12. Why not??
  13. We have had 6 weeks of, what seems like, non-stop rain so....I deserve to win!
  14. What is this "sun" you speak of?
  15. AJ's new hair-cut.
  16. I'm the furthest away from being a hippie. I find them very annoying.
  17. I'm surprised Oregon hasn't done this yet. Probably not far behind though. The reusable bags are MUCH better, IMO. For one, they don't fall over and spill as easily and they hold more, so less trips to and from the car.
  18. I'm loving the netflix streaming through my BD player!
  19. Contrats Beerball and family! It was my niece's graduation today as well.
  20. Since this guy is from Oregon this is all I've heard about all day.
  21. How about you bring some of this rain home with you. I could really use some sunshine!
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