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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Yes, thanks to an awesome, generous person!
  2. I knew it was quite a few but 78 times??!!
  3. Not the way I see it. It's wine!
  4. No, but I will be in about, oh, two hours!
  5. My kinda automobile! Too bad I just bought a new car...
  6. It probably has to do with that stupid corporation tax voters voted in last election.
  7. OK, i think it's about time I win this!
  8. Starting rumors again, eh? Sorry Drew, for hijacking your thread.
  9. You better be scared!
  10. Oh goodness....
  11. You are an arse! But then again, we all look alike so I guess I'm heavenly blessed too and you don't need a family portrait. Just look at my photo.
  12. Yes, and I hate that about the media. My sister is a cop so it ticks me off when I see the media trash on the good ones doing their job correctly. Welcome!
  13. Sooo, not true! Why would I need something to block my arse if there's nothin' coming out. Isn't that what apnea means?? I can help you with that... Sure, blame your own emission problems on me! On a serious note, I'm glad to see you have done this test and taking your health seriously, my dear! I've know you for over 10 years, so it would be sad (and boring) to not have you around to pester me.
  14. Guess that means videos too?
  15. I have a feeling he may have driven the car to the area he was heading to (instead of walking) for protection. What if the person he was driving to had some kind of weapon? He would most likely taken the cop out. He still should not have driven over the blanket though. Looks like there was plenty of room on the other side of the trees. Still a sad story though.
  16. Yeah, and that RELIABLE, old Corolla is still running strong! Family member is using it for a couple of years til they can afford a new car. You will probably freak out but the new car is also a Toyota!
  17. I'll do the driving. Been wanting to take the new car on a road trip!
  18. Sure, I'd try the "kiss, grab 'n twist" move. Takes 'em down fast.
  19. A spacebar?? We are talking about a keyboard, correct?
  20. Did anyone see the leprechaun, with the pot of gold, sitting at the right side of the first rainbow?? Pretty cool...
  21. I really don't want to know.
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