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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Ugh! So close to getting rid of the annoying twins!
  2. We had a mini earthquake this morning. 3.2
  3. Soooo, how is the water drinking going? Any slip-ups with going back to the soda/pop drinking??
  4. http://www.reallifecomics.com/comics/2012/20121031_2936.jpg
  5. Oh yeah. I didn't mean to watch them all in a weekend. Lol there were many times I had to take a week in between episodes cause most of them are kinda dark and I wasn't sure I could keep watching. Lol
  6. You should! I would never have thought I'd watch a show like this but I got caught up in it. The writing is superb! Well worth spending hours catching up.
  7. :-( Oh, u mean the name? :-p
  8. NoorK was the fake Lana. I'm back now.
  9. Finally able to change my name back.
  10. I normally don't hang out on this board but wanted to share this. Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods called in to this radio show trying to find answers. He believes there's a coverup too.
  11. With honey mustard dressing?? Actually, I read somewhere that drinking about 8-10 oz of water right after you wake up is supposed to cleanse your body of all the toxins. Not sure if that's true or not but doesn't hurt to have an excuse to drink more water.
  12. This is so awesome to hear! Keep it up or I'll be after you! You have some tennis to play!! Oh and and an Amazing Race game to play. :-D
  13. Cool, he found her! :-)
  14. That's because #1 on her agenda was to make a move on Jeff. Lol. Has anyone ever hugged him on the way out?
  15. Why didn't they show the whole jump from the head cam? Would have been cool to see.
  16. Yeah, very classless indeed. Glad they got the boot! Next up, the annoying twins!
  17. If you'd do one of these jumps I bet you'd be over your fear of heights.
  18. That idiot needs to drink more water. His pee is looking pretty yellow.
  19. The sunsets here this time of the year are amazing. Of course a little smoke from wild fires helps with that. I have a few "smoke" sunset photos I could post as well.
  20. "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" "Bye, bye boys. Have fun storming the castle!" Love this movie! I at least watch it once a year.
  21. Oh yes, have this in Oregon as well. Which is BS. The weather patterns here (and in WA) change by the minute so they'd just blow all of the smoke out of here eventually anyway.
  22. Wow, sounds a lot like Portland. Not Oregon in general...Portland. Keep Portland wierd!
  23. What abt your iPhone? Does it even work on there...I have no idea. Lol
  24. Snow?? We are still having 80 degree weather. Cant believe this! I'm lovin it!
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