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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. OK, speaking of Verizon...well Verizon wireless. I've had somewhat poor cell phone reception at my house since I've moved here. Now it's just horrible. I can't even send text messages half the time let alone make a phone call. Why would it just all the sudden up and change like that? Very frustrating!
  2. I don't understand that either. Yeah, agree...should be the best top 12 regardless of gender.
  3. Me too! I really wanna be on this show! Yeah, the cowboys don't seem to do well when they have to use their brains but I'm glad to see they stepped it up when they needed to! I would too, they were great!
  4. I'm guessing the call they were going to was more life threatening than the one they just caused. Otherwise, they probably would have stopped. They may have called for back up (for the one they caused.) When I see my paramedic sister next, I'll ask her. Also, if the ambulance has lights/sirens on the cars need to move out of the way. Which doesn't sound like they did.
  5. I cheated and looked on the Idol website. I'm horrible with names. Who's the shipyard guy??
  6. Hmmm, well since sexy cowboy singer John Wayne is gone I can't pick him for my top 5. Here's mine (not in any order): Tim Halperin: Reminds me of John Mayer. Lauren Alaina: Reminds me a little of Carrie Underwood. Casey Abrams: Great musician and good singer. And I like his goofy personality. Julie Zurilla: looks the part and has a good voice. I like Brett's voice just because it's different sounding but I don't think he has it all to win it. So I guess the last one I pick is Jacob. Great soulful singer. BTW, anyone else think Robbie looks like a live version of Aladdin?
  7. I would agree with you on these two. Amazing Grace is a song played at most funerals I've been to so it always reminds me of people close to me that I have lost. And yeah, the Star Spangled Banner is awesome if sung beautifully.
  8. When they predict snow on the west coast it's never comes. They were predicting up to 5 inches of snow here yesterday. We received an inch. All the schools closed for the day for the "possibility" of 2 more inches of snow. Never happened and the snow was gone by 10am.
  9. Nooooooooooo!!! He's goooooone! :cry:
  10. Not sure if you know the story behind this series. It is written by this Swedish guy who died right before the books were set to be released. Here's a little more Info
  11. I am able to watch their videos on my Bluray player. Yep, a 3 part series. I haven't seen the movies but the books are EXCELLENT! (Well, the first one anyway. Just starting the 2nd one.)
  12. Sweet! Just watching the show and seeing the warm beaches made me in a better mood. Tired of rain and cold.
  13. I'm with you. Tired of being cold all the time.
  14. You can't tell me that a book titled "Cowboy Trouble" is considered "trashy." NASCAR = How boring is it to sit there and watch cars go round and round and maybe crash...oooo excitement! Can't make for a very good book, let alone a good "trashy romance." BTW, I only read good wholesome books!
  15. It's one of my dreams to go to Australia. It looks wonderful there! The sail boating thing looked fun! Oh, to be on this show...We should have a TBD Team on Amazing race! lol Come on cowboys, figure out the friggin' code thing! Though most of the teams cheated and had others tell them what it was.
  16. Wham-Wake me up before you go-go.
  17. Same here! My DVR didn't record the show tonight so I missed 3/4 of it. Yes, I noticed that it looked different!
  18. Oh yes. Much more tastier than plain white.
  19. What's the big deal about WWF? It's so friggin' fake! And why are you talking about it in a Survivor thread??
  20. He's probably going to get them all on his side and then pick them off one by one.
  21. Wow, there's some talent this year for sure! How are they going to just pick ONE person to win it all???
  22. How many times does Phillip need to tell us that he was a former Fed agent?? This guy is so full of himself. But, yeah, that was the most entertaining tribal councils I've seen.
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