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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Zzzzzzzz....not even thru the show yet but I'm bored.
  2. They even come in different colors and textures!
  3. I just got finished watching this episode. Yeah, Dion WTF? I thought you were a sweet lady as well!!?? Lisa didn't deserve the treatment she got from her teammates. Like she mentioned, she thought they appointed her project manager so that they can get her fired. Kinda like what happened with Russell on Survivor. OK, Dion and Star, how are you gonna do camping?? Lisa would have fought off a bear if it came after them.
  4. I couldn't resist!
  5. I'm all for keeping the extra hour of sleep. Don't take away an hour of my sleep, dammit!
  6. It's something you put over your comforter. A lot of European countries use them instead of a flat sheet.
  7. Man, I'd love 7 mill right now! I'd be debt free and have $$ to travel the globe!
  8. Totally agree with this. Undercover boss was only good maybe the first couple of episodes. Now it's just booooorrriiinnnngg! More Amazing Race, please! My favorites have been the cowboys all along. Can't stand Vixen and what's his face anymore. Tired of looking at the fake faces they paint on themselves and the whining. I also get a kick out of watching the globe trotters. Love this show!
  9. (Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder if this will fit into my suitcase.)
  10. Boo, I can't stand this time change. Takes me a week to adjust.
  11. Oh, I know. I was cringing during that.
  12. There were even sirens going off warning people.
  13. Oh, but that voice...
  14. I was watching the news a little bit before I came to work this morning. They were keeping an eye on the waves coming to shore on the Oregon coast. There were people standing out there on the beach next to the water watching the waves. Those are the types of people who get swept out to sea.
  15. Hey, don't be blaming your flatulence problems on me! I was feeding my dog Beneful but recently switched to the Natural Balance food cause I was reading up how the Beniful food is just like feeing your dog junk food. My dog loved the Beneful (of course lol) but turns her nose up at this Natural balance stuff...unless I put olive oil on the food. Damn picky dog! Anyway, I also decided to try is new food to see if it will make her itchy skin go away. Now I just have to get her to eat it! Anyone else have a problem with picky eaters?
  16. ??? OKay, I'm confused. For some reason I thought they were only getting rid of 2 girls, 2 boys. Must have missed something.
  17. So who are y'all predicting will get booted tonight?? My guesses: Ta-Tynisa, Rachel, Brett, Tim
  18. Mmmmmm Sake. I could go w/o the Sushi tho.
  19. Yes, why they kept Carrot Top and not John Wayne is beyond me. I'm still miffed about that. Oh goodness, i sure hope not! She was horrible! Country Scott IS a pretty good country singer tho and is fun to watch perform.
  20. I'm feeling a bit lazy to type but I agree with most of what you said here. Da girls kicked ass tonight! How many of you think Ashthon reminds you of a young Diana Ross!?? Crazy performance!
  21. I like the way you think! You are one cool dude. There is some truth to this.
  22. We don't give a sheet.
  23. Ok, I've changed my opinion of James. Wow, he can sing when he's not up there screeching! Jacob...amazing soulful voice! Love Luther and he did a great job with this song. Tim, Tim, Tim..you disappoint me! Casey...gotta love him. I just love watching him perform! Carrot Top...annoying. Please go away! Aladdin is cute but...meh. Paul's smile..wow! I like him but not sure how far he'll go. The rest...meh!
  24. Great movie! But maybe not after seeing it 32,539 times.
  25. My mom always called these types of names "soap opera" names. Hello fellow Oregonian.
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