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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I'm actually a Seahawks fan....just kidding!! Actually I'm a fairly new fan to football. Just started getting into it. My friend ajzepp (a huuuuuuuuge Bills fan in case you didn't know that already, lol) introduced me to this site and the the Bills of course.
  2. Ha, ha...yeah i'm stuck out here in a town overrun by beavers. Help!
  3. Well it actually scared me.
  4. Hope you have a good one, bud!
  5. Oh yeah....Oregon drivers scored an 89 percent! I agree with them on RI drivers being the worst. I was just there last week and got a taste of their poor driving habits.
  6. Can't I have my own opinions without people jumping on my back? Sheesh, I thought this was a place to do that. Guess I was i wrong.
  7. She doesn't have to raise them. Why not give them up for adoption? And why is she even getting herself in this situation (being pregnant) in the first place? Take some responsibility woman for gosh sakes!
  8. I was in the New England area last week and that was one of the things I noticed was the amount of patriotism compaired to the West coast where I am from. I just don't see it as much out here. I was really cool to see.
  9. Wow, looks like a good sign!
  10. Lol, no but carry on with your stories. I like to read them.
  11. lol...im sitting here reading this thread just cracking up at the posts where you guys talk about playing with your SW toys when you were little. It reminds me so much of the way my bros would play with their toys....too funny! You guys are too cute!
  12. I have two nephews that are 4 and 6 and they prefer to watch Eps I and II over the classics. The still like the classics but when you ask them if they want to watch a SW movie they pick one of the first two Episodes. I was visiting them today and all they talked about today was the new SW movie coming out. Kinda reminds me of when I was young and seeing my brothers getting excited about the new SW movie.
  13. I says that he got a call from her during lunch time. That's not necessarily considered "during school hours" is it??
  14. Aw, thanks Bill
  15. You have to start watch the X-files NOW.....you are missing out. Awesome show. I keep telling you that.
  16. Hmmmm interesting. When is it set to come out?
  17. No, i was referring to getting on with what they were discussing at the beginning of the thread. lol I'll stay here as long as you'll let me
  18. Hey, Oregon has no pro football team so who else am I supposed to support? lol They were just the closest team to me so that's why I supported them.
  19. There's going to be a SW TV show??
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