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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I'm getting hungry....
  2. Yes, i like it over reg diet coke. BCVC and the Cherry Dr Pepper are pretty good too.
  3. I'll stick to real tennis, thank you.
  4. Would love to. Any takers?
  5. I suppose being drunk helps to overcome the many different tastes going on there all at once.
  6. What's so special about these garbage plates anyway?
  7. Sorry, wasn't thinking straight...brain was fried from work. But now that I have played a couple hours of tennis I think I'm good. I said that I was going to go crazy from all of the rain we've been having and would love to escape to NZ cause it sounds (and looks) nice. You then reminded me that it's not too far from here so I thought that was cool. Comprende??
  8. No, no....NZ is just over the ocean from here. I'm the one going crazy here. You don't get near the amout of precip down there as we do. My bro lives in SF and says it's much nicer down there.
  9. Okay, I'm there... Yeah, you were not too far from here. So, is one of the reasons you moved because of the rain. lol
  10. Oh, you are right! Just over the ocean from here.
  11. I'll go with ya. Does it rain a lot there in NZ? If I see another drop of rain I might go crazy right now.
  12. Never even heard of these before but they look......interesting. lol
  13. All of our rivers here are at or near flood stage and we are expecting more rain today through the weekend. We've had over 10 inches of rain in the month of January. Then add the nasty wind. It sucks! I'd love to be able to see the sun for more than two minutes.
  14. Uh, the week of July 20th through the 27th. Ha ha, no really we actually have pretty good summers (very low humidity) and the Fall is fairly nice too. That's about it though. lol
  15. I agree...besides it's their first time making it to the superbowl in the 30 yrs they've been a team.
  16. Sorry you had such a bad experience there. Maybe go there during the summer when it's not raining. The rain depresses them.
  17. Oh yeah, good idea!
  18. Cool, thanks Melissa! That's interesting about the different microclimates w/i a backyard...never thought of that. My backyard has a big tree in the northeast corner so I'm thinking it may be mostly shady. Not sure yet...I won't be moving there until the end of Feb. It also, it has not been sunny enough to even find out!
  19. Oh okay, didn't know that. Washington is known for its apples, yep.
  20. Who said I was a Bills' fan? Seattle and Portland are completely different cities. Please don't associate me with Seattle. I pulling for the Seahawks, though, just because I don't have any other team around here to support.
  21. Looks like another thread to add to the "classics", huh?
  22. Well, I don't think I'm in the same zone as you but I just bought a house with a yard. I've been living in a condo for the last 3 yrs. and have missed having a yard to grow flowers, etc in. It's been raining non-stop here in Oregon for the last two months so the ground is way to soggy to do anything yet. I can't wait until summer! I'm not sure if I'll grow a garden though but we always had home-grown veggies as a kid. I miss that.
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