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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Sorry EC...guess I was in a crummy mood.
  2. That movie doesn't exist, does it?? Oh, my bad. One of the few movies that Netflix doesn't have. Thanks for the link!
  3. I don't think your memory is working all that well. That movie doesn't exist, does it??
  4. I already know he drools when he sees me.
  5. So, you are telling me that you look like every good-looking movie star out there?? Prove it.
  6. Congrats!
  7. I actually don't find Brad Pitt that attractive. Nothing against you. Now, Mark Ruffalo on the other hand....
  8. Now, don't get any ideas from someone that throws crap around.
  9. Yes, but not very good at it. Doesn't mean that I'm not up for the challenge though. lol I can still beat you at tennis.
  10. A little??
  11. Whatever....you don't scare me.
  12. Exactly, I agree with you!
  13. No snow here in OR...just sunny skies.
  14. Happy B-day Dean!
  15. I drove by it on the way to the beach one time but haven't seen it yet.
  16. Has he heard of the Spruce Goose? That's a pretty big plane. It's sitting in a museum not too far from me.
  17. ...and they don't smell good.
  18. I find that some movie soundtracks have nobody bands and people on them. Maybe that's one way they get their name out there??
  19. Haven't had anything tonight but last night I had about 3 full glasses of "Palotai Riesling" made here in OR. It was so good I couldn't stop drinking it. lol
  20. What is up with that gray haired guy? He looks like he could be old enough to be my dad. Is he really as young as he says he is? I'm going to miss crazy Dave though. He was a lot of fun to watch while he was here!
  21. I never change the subject of the thread. Ha ha. Haven't had any dinner yet. Just got back from playing two hours of tennis. I'm starving now! Hey, look I only have 30 posts until I reach 500!
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