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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Oh joy....just kidding! Happy birthday to you too!
  2. Aw, how sweet...now I don't have a choice but to stay....
  3. Wow! Thanks everyone! AJ, just you wait....your birthday is coming up soon! I'll give you what you deserve!
  4. Mine is Sloopy Gizzardbrains
  5. I dunno, but after watching "Supersize Me" I've stayed away from McDonald's. I think they were saying the one burger can contain meat from a buch of different places! No thank you.
  6. Yeah, the only exciting thing about watching a baseball game is when they FINALLY hit the ball. lol Oh and seeing the guys in their uniforms. I guess I shouldn't judge it on only seeing AAA games. Maybe a major league game might be a LITTLE more interesting.
  7. You know, I've watched both baseball and soccer a few times over the years and I'd pick soccer over baseball any day. Baseball to me is so dang boring! Well, maybe not as boring as watching golf, but still. Although, watching a baseball game live is a LITTLE more exciting but not enough to keep my interest for very long. lol That reminds me, I have two tickets to a baseball game. Anybody want them?? I've also been to a few of my nephew's high school soccer games. Yeah I know they aren't pro, but they are still really fun to watch. I love going to them even though it may be cold and/or raining outside. I can't imagine what going to a pro game would be like though.
  8. Good point! I hear that happens a lot over on the main board which I don't visit too often.
  9. There are also over 10,000 views!
  10. Yes, I am. You are evil!
  11. Exactly what I was thinking.
  12. Cool, sounds fun. Well hopefully I'll have my new HDTV by then. I thought I heard someone on here saying they were going to get me one for my B-day. It was either EC or Fez.
  13. Well, let's hope that the fish don't have two heads or something. Can't promise you won't see that if you fish in the Willamette. The water is nasty.
  14. I think you are a just a tad excited, eh? lol
  15. Andrea Bocelli sang at the closing ceremony for the winter Olympics. First time I heard him. He's awesome.
  16. I hope it's not anything like the Willamette here in Portland.
  17. Oh, there are 20 questions...not 10.
  18. Sucks to be in TN today. Looks like they will be taking their boats to work today.
  19. This is true....
  20. Man, I missed his performace! The only reason I watch the show is to see him. Oh well...it's nice to know he did well.
  21. No, he didn't! Loved the suit but hair-do looked stupid!
  22. Bummer!
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