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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Well, after my idot post i'm beginning to think I should check myself in.
  2. I don't click on links...never know what's there.
  3. Not sure if this one has been posted yet. This is one of my favorites. Midvale School for the Gifted
  4. Bro?? You have a point about planting new plants/grass in the summer. I've heard about that too. But the summers here in Oregon usually don't get too hot. Just a few days here and there. Besides, if I can get something in there in the next week or so we still have about a month and a half of rainy/cool weather left. But, I may just wait until fall to plant stuff since I'm thinking of doing some patio work first anyway.
  5. I think that's what the builder did for the front lawn. I've only been there two months and it's already dying. And, yes, I have been watering it.
  6. Exactly. He got away with traveling alllll the time.
  7. Well, if it's as big as the one I have then it's probably only about 15-20 oz. Just buy two!
  8. Well, right now I have a bunch of dirt and stumps in my yard. Since I've moved here about 2 months ago I have had two trees taken out and my back yard plowed. My yard is facing west so it gets mostly afternoon sun so I'm going to have to find some sun-loving plants. I have a couple so far but will be adding some more soon! I hoping to have most of the yard finished by the end of summer. I'll also have a nice tan by then too.
  9. Here ya go...Bills Mug
  10. Don't worry, I rinsed it out in the ocean the last time I went to the beach.
  11. Aw, sorry to hear that. I might have a Blazers' mug sitting around here that you can have.
  12. What the????
  13. Uh nooooo.... i wasn't even around when he was here.
  14. Me too. I'm gonna miss him.
  15. Uh, no....don't think so.
  16. Sorry...
  17. Yeah, one of mine too. I got a chance to meet him in person before. Very nice guy.
  18. Doesn't caffeine also cause heart palpitations? May not be the splenda causing them.
  19. But he did give up on his team in game 7. Jordon would not have done that. He kicked our Blazers' ass back in the early 90's.
  20. Yeah, can't wait to see this one! Since I have no way of recording anything yet I may even skip AI and watch this instead.
  21. For me it's more of a West Coast rivarly thing. Not necessarily anything against Kobe.
  22. Haven't read any of his blogs but his AI reviews are great! Look forward to them every week.
  23. I was finally able to see the trailer. Wow, looks awesome!
  24. YEEESSS!! Can't stand the Lakers!
  25. Yeah, me too. I'd be too worried that the wings will rip or something.
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