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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Great, now I have that song stuck in my head. I dunno...have'nt been to a game yet.
  2. We have a lacrosse team here in Portland. Haven't been to a game but want to go check one out some day. Lumber Jax
  3. So, what's the score?
  4. Taylor...Go Spaz! Soul patrol!
  5. Who comes up with these names, anyway??
  6. How was your trip, Fez?
  7. So, this is where they are hiding....
  8. How many times do we need to start a new Sabres thread?? Seems like every other thread is a Sabres thread. I thought this was a Bills forum. No? Sorry, just had to vent.
  9. Who has been hitting on me??
  10. Nah, I think it will be more like.....1.5 biiiiilllion dollars.
  11. Wow, that's crazy! Maybe they are hoping that the DVD sales will help if it tanks at the box office.
  12. Yes, please do something to him.
  13. Maybe it is crayonz on crystal meth....
  14. Yeah, don't mess with CTM.
  15. Me too. Funny thread guys!
  16. That is what I'm getting tired of myself. She seems to be getting worse as the show goes on.
  17. What if his car was broken down and he had to drive his woman's car?? Geez, so quick to judge. If it's a well-built, gas saving, good looking car I don't see anything wrong with a guy driving one. But my only requirement is that it has to be a black one. No other colors allowed.
  18. Yep, Tom is one of my favorite actors and seems like a good guy.
  19. I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
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