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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I kinda wished the US game was today instead of 9am tomorrow. Oh well...you'll have to let me know who wins!
  2. No, really I'm not like that. :lol:
  3. Sorry, in a weird mood tonight. Guess I should lay off the Mike's.
  4. Nah, he should work for UPS. Then he can go around asking "what can brown do for you?"
  5. What was up with the one guy on the Angola team that had a shaved head then just a little tuff of hair on his forehead. Looked silly.
  6. You crack me up. You actually switched days?
  7. Is that a fancy name for a Fedex driver?? We have both UPS and Fedex guys making deliveries at my company. I think Fedex drivers are much cuter than UPS drivers.
  8. And that was the part of the game I missed. I went to go get something to eat. Should have waited.
  9. Did England win today? Missed the games and too lazy to read through all of the posts on here.
  10. Cooool. Wonder if it's coming out here?
  11. When we played as kids we would use a broken frisbee and a baseball mitt as goal posts.
  12. Uh oh, I think some one beat you to it. There is another thread over on the wall. But this one looks more official.
  13. DER ZUG IST KLEIN. Cool, I just learned some German.
  14. Yep, and seems to have pretty good reviews.
  15. It rains 9 months out of the year here. Of course it's raining. Actually, it's just been overcast all week but no rain.
  16. Amazon has a few. Not sure if that's what you are looking for. Link
  17. Yeah, what a crew he's has too!
  18. What a hunk.
  19. I hope, it's not me.
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