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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. You are absolutely correct. I mean, I kinda liked Steven but still not the same. I miss Simon's meanness.
  2. That's right, baby! I'd much rather read. I read highly intelligent books, mind you. BTW, when you gonna let me join your movie watching like the rest of your friends?? Well, maybe i'll check it out next time then if you say it's better than idol. Idol stunk last time.
  3. Noooooo, not going to get sucked into this show...nope!
  4. OK, I'm coming over. I LOVE roller coasters!
  5. Just the sheet?? I was going for the comforter as well. Dang, I'm losing steam.
  6. I don't have gas.
  7. Exactly, you are in a race...you don't just stand there an wonder...you do act.
  8. Need help breaking in the new sofa, deary?
  9. This and also some of the times I can't even find what I'm looking for in stores. Free two-day shipping isn't bad.
  10. Link Free with Amazon Prime.
  11. Did I say I liked football?? I don't play very many video games but this one just sucks you in.
  12. The best thing about GTA is the multi-player part of the game. Such fun!
  13. Yep, I would agree with this!
  14. I would like Jim all to myself. He's one handsome dude.
  15. Don't forget, we have more jack-o-lantern photo shoots to do.
  16. Ah, you gotta love those people from Eugene.
  17. Don't worry, all of the in-juns are at the Casinos! It's actually just about right.
  18. Why did the Turkey cross the road? Because it was the chicken's day off.
  19. Did it have to be Shiraz? That's one of the best wines out there. Sad day for sure.
  20. Oh great, now I'm a pig.
  21. I'm not too far. But maybe I'm not considered a "babe."
  22. McMinnville is nice. I'd live there as well. Wine country! I'm sick of living in the Portland metro area because the traffic is getting worse by the day.
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