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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. I heard that it got to 106 in Tigard on Monday. Pretty close to where I live. Yep, today is perfect.
  2. Interesting. Who won the NBA title anyway? Is it still going on??
  3. Exactly! I'm worried that since it seems like most of critics like Superman that it may not be that good. I'll like it anyway cause it has my all-time favorie superhero in it.
  4. I was actually laughing at my joke but doesn't seem anyone got it. But this post made me laugh.
  5. Not if the little buggers are 5 stories tall staring you down with those round boogity eyes! Our theatre is only 2D not 3D like some places.
  6. I can't believe it but they are actually showing Superman at the Imax theatre here in Portland. They hardly ever show new releases there. They seem to only show some beaver movie or something there.
  7. Happy Birthday Bill!
  8. In some cases it is. There are some cool pictures of the game at this website.
  9. 48...The little Mexican guys are sneeky.
  10. Nah, you are wrong there buddy.
  11. Well, you noticed that I used a upper case "B" when spelling Beavers?? I went to OSU so it's cool to see my team win.
  12. I was actually in Napa Valley on Sunday doing a wine tour. It was 102 there and when got back to SF it was like in the 60s. Crazy... Hey, I was at the SFO airport yesterday.
  13. It's easy to miss a flight there. The airport is way too big.
  14. Yes, this was cool to see! Congrats to my fellow Beavers.
  15. But that's Seattle...we are talking about Oregon.
  16. Sometimes, yep. I think this heat is getting to my brain... Sorry, couldn't help but laugh. Must be an Indian name?
  17. Is a tank top good enough? Wow, sounds like you are getting some of our rain that we usually get.
  18. And smelly ones too.... I wish I had AC.
  19. Ugh, I think I'm melting. It really got to 103? Crazy! It's too early for this type of weather! I just got back today from San Francisco where it was 80 degrees during the day and it would get to about 65 at night. Perfect! Is it supposed to cool down?
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