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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. No CDs at work so I'm stuck with the radio for now. I think talk radio would be too distracting for me while at work.
  2. I know this isn't poker related but have any of you guys played the card game Bullsh*t? Fun game.
  3. The radio.
  4. Congrats to them! I was a very good jump roper in my younger years before I grew too tall and lanky.
  5. Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with it either.
  6. Ha, ha....you are funny! What if I'm not wearing any?
  7. What's up with you guys changing my posts?
  8. Dammit, the sun set before I got finished with it! Cool game though.
  9. I remember the one about Ed's girlfriend. I wasn't a member at the time but you had sent me a link to it. Soon after I joined TBD.
  10. Hmmmm....interesting way to look at it. I guess I was just expecting them to wrap up more stuff but now I see why they didn't. I really liked the first one because there was a lot of Captain Jack Sparrow in it. This one didn't seem to have as much of him in it. Guess I just missed that from the first one.
  11. Yep, I still haven't gotten the email. I'll keep trying too. I'm also gonna go practice playing poker so I can kick your butts!
  12. It's too early for me to start drinking. Wait...what am I thinking??
  13. I miss watching Johnny Mac.
  14. Wow, I have 21 posts??
  15. Oh, there's that laugh again...
  16. Went to see "Pirates 2" today. It was pretty good but I was a little disapointed. Has any one else see it yet? I can't wait to see "Lady in the Water"...looks good.
  17. Oh come on you can sing....
  18. Will you stop changing my posts around?
  19. My car locks it's doors as soon as I start the engine. Then it doesn't let me out until I turn off the engine.
  20. Who knows...I could have beginners luck!
  21. I understand what you are saying. I just didn't like how it sounded like you are bashing a friend of mine. We actually have the #1 college women's soccer team (the U of Portland Pilots).
  22. Me too....
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