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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Happy B-day Braden! Cute little boy you have there Tater!
  2. Ha ha! You guys are funny! Crap, I have a feeling this thread is going to go in the TBD Hall of shame.
  3. No.
  4. Hey!! I just started watching it during the tie-breaker! It was such an exciting match that I didn't notice the "played earlier" thing in the corner.
  5. Oh... Must have showed the match from last night. lol
  6. Wow! Another great match from Agassi tonight! Go get 'em!
  7. Yep, it will be worth it...believe me. You'll kick the fock out of him.
  8. Except..."I think Lana might like this. I'll give it to her." Do you happen to have an HD-DVD player as one of your free items??
  9. Do I have to answer this question?
  10. Yeah, but I want him to play so I can kick his butt.
  11. Yeah, you kept bugging me to watch it too.
  12. You playing Fez?
  13. I think that was one of the best skits. The Canadian one was pretty good too.
  14. Cool, well I'll play again. I'll get signed up tonight. Come on you guys! I want you all to kick AJ's butt. Do not fear the focker.
  15. No more Poker Room? Is this sight better?
  16. I really gotta watch what I say on here. Fez.....you tuuuurd!
  17. That's okay, he was just joking around with us.
  18. [hijack]Oh, that was yours?? Sorry, I've already spent it. Had to replace my gel bras. [/hijack] It wasn't exactly about his boy going off to school. It was the posts from some of you guys (BillFromNYC, for example) giving advice. I dunno, just thought it was sweet.
  19. Great picture! This thread is one of the best I've seen in a while. Makes me emotional reading it.
  20. Home owners associations....ugh!! Got out of one when I sold my condo earlier this year. Never want to be part of one again!
  21. Happy b-day! Hope you have a good day.
  22. Oh, this is a public thread...my apologies. Good thing we didn't reveal too much of our conversation, huh AJ.
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