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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Aw, i never get tired of looking at that cute face.
  2. Only when it's warm and sunny outside!
  3. Of course, I'm not a total loser.
  4. I only live about 5 miles from where i work.
  5. I know some day, but it barely has 100K on it and still looks and runs nice. It has always been parked in a garage.
  6. It's a 96 toyota corolla and still has it's original paint job.
  7. Ha, ha. It's not a wagon nor will i ever own one or a mini-van for that matter!
  8. I haven't wahed it yet so I'll try that. Thanks, Cincy, for the info!
  9. Cool, thank you!
  10. The other day I drove by one of those machines that paints the lines on the road. I got home later and realized that I have tons of tiny yellow spots of paint on my car. Does anyone know how to remove the yellow spots w/o damaging the finish on my car? Thanks!
  11. Wow.....
  12. Oh wow... I'm sorry.
  13. Okay, I'm getting tired of wishing crayonz a happy b-day but happy b-day to the others!
  14. Not until I wish him a happy b-day!
  15. Darn, I just bought some too. Thanks for the info!
  16. Cooking it will kill it right?
  17. Oh wow! I haven't seen that video in a while. Too funny!!
  18. Yep, that's them! I only have this CD of theirs but it's made up of a bunch of silly songs. I'm still trying to figure out what "Body" is about.
  19. I think all lyrics by the group "The Presidents of the USA" are meaningless ramblings. But they are the funnyest songs to listen to.
  20. It's very therapeutic.
  21. Ah yes, I do that!
  22. Darn, I was hoping to show off my buns of steel.
  23. Come on, I wasn't being serious.
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