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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Of course! He can listen to what ever he wants to listen to. All I can say is that flaming lips are well.....good.
  2. Oh, but the lyrics to some country songs are the best. Especially when they pull at your heart strings.
  3. Lemme guess...are you a beaver??
  4. Wow, I'm thinking I should hang out on The Wall more often. Seems I miss some good threads. The peanuts with shells cracked me up and Ramius's first response to it.
  5. I think they will lose every game from here on out.
  6. Yep, you do.
  7. I think some people avoid the self check out lines cause they think "they pay the cashiers to check us why should I have to do it myself?"
  8. Delta does that too.
  9. I don't really notice it, probably cause i've lived here all my life, but when I meet people from out of town that have either moved here or are just visiting they tell me how beautiful the scenery is in Oregon. I guess I don't notice it until some out-of-towner points it out.
  10. I think there may be a few spelling errors. It didn't translate in my translator very well.
  11. Was I talkin' to you anyway?? I DID respond to AJ post, didn't I? Yeah, I'm was wondering about the think eggs too. Hmmmm....
  12. Welche reizende Augen du hast.
  13. Yeah, this is about all I have to tell them here in OR. Most of the time I tell them they are not eligible for re-hire. Ha, ha...j/k.
  14. I'm afraid of what those might be!
  15. Not funny! That was one I fell for too many times.
  16. Brings back memories of growing up with 5 brothers.
  17. My nephew likes this one: What kind of car does Luke Skywalker drive? A Toy-yoda.
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