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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Permanent ones too.
  2. Don't forget the double slats if you order one of those beds!
  3. Nah....I stayed away from them freaks!
  4. Yep, double slats will make the headboard even more durable. The only problem I see with the El Paso in a small room is you may not be able to use the drawers...if that matters to you.
  5. Yeah, it's probably better I don't know. Though I've been to the Tillamook Cheese Factory a few times. I have a feeling we are not talking about the same cheese though.
  6. No, just not the one the guys wanted. They always went after the air-headed cheerleaders. My HS sucked anyway.
  7. Yeah, those were pretty good.
  8. Enjoy HS while you can! Actually I hated HS...nevermind. Are you planning on going to college?
  9. The Mission, Sandia, and the El Paso look nice.
  10. Well, Garth is well liked by most people. What's my prize??
  11. He should have just stuck with the microwave popcorn.
  12. I dunno...this sounds like something Crayonz would write, no?
  13. Yeah, the dark mornings makes it even harder for me to get up. I'm looking forward to the extra hour we'll gain even if it's in the middle of the night. Why not give it to us during the day?
  14. That would make some interesting tasting beer.
  15. But it's a type of cheese made from goats milk.
  16. Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks??
  17. Well, yeah, okay...YOU'RE right.
  18. Good for her. You gotta get some fiber in ya some how.
  19. (Sorry Ed)
  20. Yeah, I know about home delivery. You don't mind other people picking out your fresh veggies and fruits?
  21. Even groceries??
  22. All I want to say is....STOP MESSING UP SAWYER'S FACE! They kept beating him up last night and it was pissing me off.
  23. Yep, that's probably it. Walmart just trying to save a few bucks by conning us into checking our own groceries. I actually only use the self check out lines when I just have a few groceries. If I have a basketful I'll usually use the cashiers. I don't think the self check out lanes are meant for checking large quantity of groceries.
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