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Everything posted by GoodBye

  1. Redvines. Mmmmmm I'm a redvines addict. Lol
  2. Sorry, this was funny. AJ, it's probably that Celeste lady from Twitter hacking into your computer.
  3. I know. There have been a few threads lately about gas of some sort. Lol
  4. Like she's gonna fall for that.
  5. I told you it was a pretty fierce storm.
  6. Survived the remnants of a Pacific typhoon we had over the weekend. Only damage I saw in our neighborhood was a fairly large branch breaking off a tree. http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2013/09/oregon_storm_2013_portland_ast.html
  7. Pretty please??
  8. Who are The Bills? And how did I get on this message board?
  9. In the middle of a typhoon!
  10. Yeah same here. We had one of the worst fire seasons ever. Both my bro and bro in law fight forest fires. They normally go for maybe a week, sometimes never, during the summer months. This summer they were only HOME for maybe a week or two.
  11. Sure is! We are in for a fierce storm this weekend! 60mph winds at the coast and 30-40mph inland and tons of rain. Whoopie...
  12. I actually did this once. It was during my last term in college. Not sure why they had chosen a college student because I was way to busy to watch TV. A lot of help I was! I remember having to fill a booklet thing out of all the TV shows I watched and then mail it back.
  13. Take me with you!! I'm being serious. I'd love the experience.
  14. Looks like she's caught the Aaryn disease (or maybe she's been like this all her life).
  15. I thought you could choose which country the website is from??
  16. I'll have to check when I get home. I can't remember the name of it but it's a browser add-on.
  17. Hello all! Looks like I missed hump day.
  18. AJ, should we let him know of our little secret?
  19. (A combine derby is actually kinda fun to watch.)
  20. And then pour a ton of maple syrup over her head.
  21. Waaaaaaahhhh I can't have my hair dryer for 24 hours!! (Spoiled brat) BTW, I'm enjoying the Australian one much better. Gonna stop recording the US one. Boooored to death.
  22. I'm liking BBAus...buncha hot Aussie guys. Tim might be kind of entertaining.
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