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  1. Redvines. Mmmmmm I'm a redvines addict. Lol
  2. Sorry, this was funny. AJ, it's probably that Celeste lady from Twitter hacking into your computer.
  3. I know. There have been a few threads lately about gas of some sort. Lol
  4. Like she's gonna fall for that.
  5. I told you it was a pretty fierce storm.
  6. Survived the remnants of a Pacific typhoon we had over the weekend. Only damage I saw in our neighborhood was a fairly large branch breaking off a tree. http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2013/09/oregon_storm_2013_portland_ast.html
  7. Pretty please??
  8. Who are The Bills? And how did I get on this message board?
  9. In the middle of a typhoon!
  10. Yeah same here. We had one of the worst fire seasons ever. Both my bro and bro in law fight forest fires. They normally go for maybe a week, sometimes never, during the summer months. This summer they were only HOME for maybe a week or two.
  11. Sure is! We are in for a fierce storm this weekend! 60mph winds at the coast and 30-40mph inland and tons of rain. Whoopie...
  12. I actually did this once. It was during my last term in college. Not sure why they had chosen a college student because I was way to busy to watch TV. A lot of help I was! I remember having to fill a booklet thing out of all the TV shows I watched and then mail it back.
  13. Take me with you!! I'm being serious. I'd love the experience.
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