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B Rob

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Everything posted by B Rob

  1. Was there ever another QB between him and Bledsoe or was he always the back-up QB on that team.I remember reading in an article that Belicheat chose him over another QB when Bledsoe went down.I am probably remembering the article wrong but if there was someone on the team between Brady and Bledsoe could someone tell me who it was. Thanks
  2. If you think about it what are the odds that he has children with other women and they end up playing proffesional sports.That is the only reason we are hearing about it.Yes the man is a scum bag but if he weren't who he is than we would never hear anything about this at all.Or if Bell's dad wasn't KM you wouldn't care who the father is just that kid is a good story out of bad situation.Will we be talking about McGahee's offspring if they don't end up playing sports lord knows he is stacking up the numbers.One thing is for sure KM seems to produce athletes so I guess his kids can be glad that he has good genes.Hard way to look at it but he did give them something. And don't get all bent out of shape about the last comment it was more humor than being serious.
  3. I think you are talking about Leftwich.
  4. thank you someone had to add this response
  5. The one thing I will say that I like the most about this kid(aside from his freakish size,speed,ability to catch the ball with his hands)is that every time I have heard this kid talk he seems to have something to prove.I heard in an early interview with him talk about he will show everyone who passes up on him that he is the best reciever in this draft class.He has been very up front about his off the field issues and has owned the whole thing and just wants to get past that time in his life.We will see how it all turns out but I think this kid is going to turn into a stud in this league.He seems to be a very hungry atlete. Count me in as # 4
  6. If you read down far enough I find it funny that one of the reports said Juron says McKelvin will compete for the open nickelback position.Talk about sugar coating the pick for the vets.The position of #1 CB is where he will sit unless he is a bust.This draft is a big wake up call for the defensive secondary and there should be some very good battles in camp this year. I can't wait to see this defense killing teams this year.
  7. Damn how much of an A$$ do you have to be to slam this guy for just asking a question about video game ratings.I mean are you guys for real.This board is for entertainment none of you guys here know as much as you think you do but you find time in your busy day to blast away on stuff like this. Internet tough guys I am so sorry that this person has interupted your conversation with the Bills front office to ask such a trivial question I'll PM him and try and see to it he never bothers you again. If I knew I would answer but I only buy Madden.Sorry
  8. You want to draft Peters replacement?Wow is something bad going to happen to him this year.He has alot of years left in the league.ANd as for Stroud When Pat was run out of town by TD the talk was he was old fat and washed up and how many years has the Vikes gotten out of that retread.Look I understand what you are trying to say but to fear injury before it happens doesn't make sense.We have good depth and name me teams that could lose 2 pro bowl type players and it wouldn't hurt them because the have their replacement waiting on the bench.
  9. Just to clear one thing up here.It is people like you saying corners aren't important in the cover-2.Not once have I ever heard any coach that runs the cover-2 say corners are not that important to run my offense.I get so tired of reading this comment. And by the way the front office has spent the better part of the last year and a half building the lines that you seem to think they have forgotten about.
  10. We were replacing floors at the local health department where I am at in Salisbuy MD.Being that it is draft day I was decked out in my Bills gear.The lady that met us there to let us in the building asked what I was doing wearing Bills clothes.I thought she was trying to get smart with me so I asked her why was she a Ravens fan.She kind of paused and then explained to me that she used to be married to a Bills player John Leypoldt a kicker.She told me some stories about living in Buffalo and being there for the blizzard of 77 which I have heard some of you guys talk about.She also told me a story that kind of made me laugh a little.At the games when she went to watch her late husband play Ralph put the players families right under the over hang in the endzone.She said that when the snow would melt all the players families had to bring sheets of plastic to cover up with from the run off from the upper deck.To say the least she didn't have many kind words for "cheap old Ralph".You would think that Ralph could have set the players families up alittle better than that. She said that John played the last 2 years for the Seahawks.She said It was like a god send being sent to Seatle compared to Buffalo.However after John passed away when she re married she did marry someone else from Buffalo and than moved down here to Salisbury. Not anything ground breaking just a cool story I thought I would share with you guys.
  11. Just one question if the guy can catch punts why can't he catch a ball thrown by a QB?Have you even seen this guy play ball.From all I read the kid is a stud maybe other teams just didn't throw at him.
  12. When the Bills pick I will be watching ESPN to see what the A$$ Mort has to say and watch Berman reaction to what TD's little biatch has to say.Wasn't it last year that Mort went on a rant against the Bills and Berman layed the smackdown on him.I think it is funny how bad Mort hates us and can't be objective at all. So I will be watching ESPN and I will have NFL network on the DVR so I can go back and see what they have to say. Oh yeah and I can't wait to see the reaction from all the talking heads about how we "REACHED" for whoever we pick.So I would like to get this out of the way right now. STFU Kiper and go build a fantasy team.
  13. I heard Juron talking to Wilcox about this on the radio one day.The way Juron said it would work would be that the job is Edwards to lose.So Edwards is our starting QB and JP would from what I understand have to be so much better than Edwards that he didn't have any other choice but to name JP the starter. JP is our back up QB this year but who could argue if he blew Edwards out of the building during pre season to take the job back.If JP looks that good that he can change the mind of Juron than nobody should have a gripe over it. Edwards is our starting QB and the compition part of the whole thing just means that JP needs to look the second coming of Favre to take the job back. Just my opinion but that was the way I was to understand what Juron said.
  14. I heard he was signed by the Chiefs.But that is just what I heard.
  15. It is a good thing as I see it.The Bills are in need of revenue to keep up with the Jones' and the Snyders'.If letting a couple of games go north of the border keeps this franchise in Buffalo until the city can turn around its economic situation than I say it is a very good thing. Unless you are part of the crowd that sees this as the begining of the end for Buffalo than it is a very bad thing.But I don't see the Bills leaving Buffalo so why worry about it.It will all get worked out and the Bills will be stronger for the fan support up north. When Ralph passes on the new ownership will see if played right how profitable the Bills can be without moving them to a new city.I don't see the problem
  16. If the plan is to run something like the *Pats and go from a 3-4 to a 4-3 we need more quality LB's to make that happen.But I don't think anyone on our staff comes from a 3-4 system do they? If the Bills draft a LB that high you would think that there would be expectations for that player to start wouldn't you think.I don't see them going that way but the Bills don't pay me for my opinion so we'll see.
  17. OK so you watched the you tube video and posted that.
  18. That's what I plan on doing exept the forget the camp thing.
  19. But I want to make the trip up to training camp this year and spend a week with my family.For those of you that go to training camp what are the best weeks to go and do you need tickets to get in.I live in Delaware so I don't want to make the trip up on a week that I can't get in to see the players.If you do need tickets when do they go on sale and how do you get them? If you guys could help me out with this that would be great.Any information about how it works and what to do.
  20. So was it Stroud playing well next to Henderson or was it Henderson playing well next to Stroud.I love how we have to down play any and all players that put on a Bills uni.
  21. For all the guys out there that say this player won't be picked at #11 I give you D Witner.If the Bills really want a player and don't feel he will still be there at the deal to move down they will take their guy. I look at it like this, the draft is what it is.A player could end up being a hall of famer out of the 6th round and the 11 pick could be a bust.So why not take the guy you know you want and not who the "draft experts"say you should take here.It is more about making sure the player you have targeted gets on your roster and not someone elses. Quick question.If these draft guru's were really that good at what they do why aren't they making picks for real teams?Quick answer.It's because they couldn't build a real team.If they could they would not be in the entertainment game. The only thing these guys are really good at is knowing everyones name and a few stats that someone on the other end of their earpiece is giving them.Sure they are very good at talking and doing the research that it takes to talk about players for 3 months on TV but that is as far as it goes.With as many mock drafts as there are out there it is real easy to figure out who may go where but the only men that matter are the guys that will be making the phone call to these players.The term reach only applies to the the persons opinion that is giving it.
  22. I go to one game a year and live in southern Delaware.Do you live on the eastern shore of MD?
  23. It is only a matter of time before the ever-growing corporate giant NFL puts pressure on the Bills to build a splendiferous new stadium for the team to remain financially competitive and maximize the revenue split among the 32 teams. Posted December 14, by Ben Maller Digg this | Add to del.icio.us Discuss in the Forums | Link
  24. Mythbusters rock
  25. I hate to be the one bringing this up.But for you guys to have such opinions about these guys it means you watch.And on top of that you have posted on a message board dedicated to the Bills.So I would say that ESPN is getting everything they could have wanted from these "idiots" because they have you talking about them. On top of that if someone has been locked in a closet and didn't know who these guys were.They will most likely tune these "idiots" in just to see what all the fuss is about. So in some sick twisted kind of way when you B word about these "idiots" you are just helping to sell the ESPN brand.You have to go off the theory that the only bad press is no press.So as it may make you feel better to complain about these "idiots" you are doing just what ESPN wants you to. And by the way I hate these guys too.
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