B Rob
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Everything posted by B Rob
Keep an eye on the OT Jordan Gross negotiations
B Rob replied to Ramius's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
If we don't pay Peters we will be without a quality LT for years.You just can't replace what Peters is.He is a pro bowl talent and one of the best LTs in the league.We will regret not getting a deal done with this man for years to come.I hope the FO finds a way to get this thing done. -
You know you probably thought the same same thing about Jim Leonard and London Fletcher.All they have done since leaving us is make plays.It isn't about our team not having talent.It is about the team letting the guys play ball.This playing not to lose stuff sucks. In the opener our defense was flying all over the field.When we started taking injuries we curled up in a ball and played bend but don't break. I remember all the posts about how London makes alot of tackles but they are 5 to 10 yards down field.Then he gets on a team that will let him play and he is a play maker.The same can be said for Jim.All I read that he was as good as burnt toast and when is Simpson going to get back.But let the man be a playmaker and he makes plays. Folks we have talent the coaches just need to pull their heads out of their a$$es and coach like the it matters if we win.Talent isn't the problem I am not too sure coaching is the problem.Both sides of the ball have shown they can dominate for a quarter the coaches have to let our guys play for the whole game.
I don't know why you say something like that.I mean every Bills fan that had the ability to give away hundreds of millions of dollars just to satisfy a message board would jump at the chance. If Ralph wanted to show how much he loved the team and the city he should just hand over the team to Jim Kelly.Don't take any money just give it away.He has made plenty of money owning the team through the years.Time to give back and give back for free. I don't know why that is such an ignorant request. The kids on this board know best.
This is how you should draft.But to do it like that you have to fill needs through free agency.We need to see what the team does in the off season before all this draft talk will matter.
I'm not accusing - I'm simply wondering
B Rob replied to dave mcbride's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
For all those looking to kick Peters out of Buffalo.Lets say that we do get a 1st and a second for him.It would cost us the same money to sign those 2 players or maybe more. For those 2 players we lose a proven great LT in hopes that the 2 players that we get in return pan out.We have the money pay the man.I know it is more fun to start an internet whitch hunt but you CAN'T replace a talent like Peters.He is the real deal and if we do lose him because we won't pay him we will be looking for the next decade for his replacement. The grass is almost never greener. -
Do the Bills Draft a ...............................
B Rob replied to H2o's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
This is the one thing I love about you guys.The way most of you guys react to the QB position. The way I see it None of the Manning boys would make your team.Aikman he would have had to go.Brees why bother. Trent is in his second year as a pro and has 4 comeback wins.And say what you want about last monday night as pi$$ poor as he played he put the Bills in position to win. What you guys are looking for is the second coming of Brady or Warner.Instant super bowl.Only one problem the teams those 2 guys took over had a Super Bowl TEAM already in place.We are still working on the TEAM thing but we have a good QB. -
Nice try but.How many more tries would it have taken FJ to get in from the one yard line.ML gets that ball in the end zone.Much like he did later on in the game making half of the Dolphins defense miss on his way to the TD.Jackson is good Lynch can be great.
The business side of the game, part tray
B Rob replied to Beerball's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Why would the judge have a bone up his a$$ about being seen at a three stooges festival.Are the stooges not to be enjoyed by the educated?On a scale how educated do you have to be before you are too good for the stooges? The judge sounds like a real nice person. -
Yeah I guess your right.But you forgot one weapon,Josh Reed.You know our #1 WR who single handed won the Redskins game last year.Never mind that a QB had to put that ball in a bucket with time running down and thousands screaming at the top of their lungs.Hell anyone could have made that play.It's just a good thing Josh Reed was there once again to pull one of our QBs butt out of the fire. The whole argument about JP vs Edwards is tired.Edwards is our QB and has the ability to make as many plays as anyone else.He has the arm strength smarts and the accuracy to play the position.What,JP is the better QB because he can throw the ball alittle farther in the air than Edwards give me a break.The only way you get to show off that arm is if you hold on to the ball that much longer and we all know how that has worked for JP.
I think the only thing that stood out to me during this game is that the O-line was dominated.It's the first pre season game with players playing in positions that they need more time to learn.We had zero run game and it didn't matter if it was the 1st or the 3rd string. Leave the QBs out of it.The problem was our O-line.You can't expect a defense to back off and respect the pass if it knows you can't run.We need to get the line that is going to start the season back together.And until Peters decides to get back we may struggle like this until he does.
I'll be there for the game.Section 412 row 28 seats 13 through 20.Can't wait to see this new defense even if it is only going to be for a few series.Shame about Whitner but this is pre season so it really doesn't matter.Also getting to se the new guys in action will be cool.
WOO HOO! The Season Tickets are HERE!!!
B Rob replied to Mike32282's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Cool if you got yours than I should be getting mine soon from stub hub for the home opener. -
Ding ding ding The thing that peaople are forgetting in all of this is that it isn't over as far as Lynch is concerned.And another thing those that are upset over the fact that he hasn't spoke about it in public is the civil case.He has to protect himself as much as he can in this case.You have to assume that what he is saying is the truth not what you think happened that night.He has the right to remain silent and in my opinion he is smart in doing so.Just as he has the right to remain silent you don't have the right to know what is going on in this case.This is a personal matter and it will be taken care of and you only get to know about what he does in his personal life if he wants you to.Some of you people need to get over yourselves and stop treating this like he has done something wrong to you because he hasn't.He is in a serious situation and needs to get past it without you guys being in his ass about it. I'm sure everyone of you guys that are so upset with Lynch would want the same kind of media attention thrown at you if you made a mistake.My opinion of ther man hasn't changed and yours shouldn't either he hasn't done anything to you or your family.
All I need is for people to sign up for this game and use this referal link.I know alot of people on this board play the game.I am just looking for alittle help with my player to try and get him in the starting line up. The game is goallineblitz.com and if any of you could help me out that would be cool.You would have to sign up for the game and play it for a couple of days for the points to get back to me so I understand if nobody is interested but thought I would ask. this is my referal link http://goallineblitz.com/game/signup.pl?ref=637271
I will add one story to the mix.I sat in the Rock pile 3 years ago when the Bills played the Falcons.My brother and I go to one game a year and that was the first time we sat in the RP.My brother is a Redskins fan and was hounded all day by drunk fans that would come rows down and stand in the aisles to tell him that his team sucked over and over again.Atleast 2 of the 10 were looking for a fight but we were there to watch a football game what a novel idea.I would have to take my shoes off to count the number of fights that broke out that day in the RP.And to top it all off someone was carried out in a streacher that had been stabbed.All and all I would say just good clean family fun. All that and to see the jumbotron you have to turn around to view it.If you can avoid that hole in the stadium I would say avoid it at all costs.Unless you are one of those fans that thinks buying your ticket gives you the right to act like an a$$ even with kids present than you shoud fit right in.I know I just painted the whole RP with a broad stroke but I'll never get seats back there again.
I am making a long week end for the home opener.For those of you that play golf could you tell me what are some of the better places to play up around your area. Thanks
I just purchased my tickets for the home opener.I need some help to find a nice hotel some where inbetween Buffalo and Orchard park.Not looking to spend alot of money on the room but i don't want to stay at a dive either.We normaly take the travel trailer up and stay at Darien Lake but gas prices are a concern this year being I am traveling from Maryland.So if you locals could help me out here and tell me a nice place for me to stay that would be cool. Thanks
USA TODAY power rankings out....
B Rob replied to Tonawanda Troy's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
70 posts since April 2005.BRILLIANT. Yeah I am really starting to turn things out now. -
USA TODAY power rankings out....
B Rob replied to Tonawanda Troy's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
The Bills do NOT spend more picks on the secondary
B Rob replied to Ramius's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Not really when you consider that it hurts the Bills when a player like Youboty doesn't pan out.If he were a 4th round or later pick not so bad but a player taken in the 1st 3 rounds is expected by the organization to become a starter. -
USA TODAY power rankings out....
B Rob replied to Tonawanda Troy's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
But you could read and understand what I posted.I just get tired of people who feel the need to correct spelling.They add nothing to the thread.It is almost as cool as posters who jack there post count up by adding little one liners like YEA or your nuts. -
The Bills do NOT spend more picks on the secondary
B Rob replied to Ramius's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I have to disagree with your argument.I think that you would agree that when a team picks any player in the first 3 rounds they are expected to come in and play.Rounds 4 through 7 I can understand a player getting cut but in the first 3 rounds there is absolutly starting value in all those picks.Rounds 1 through 3 are picked for starters 4 through 7 is when you see picks for special teams and project players who you like. And to say someone doesn't understand the game of football because he doesn't agree with your narrow view of the game is wrong also. -
USA TODAY power rankings out....
B Rob replied to Tonawanda Troy's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Thank you spell check thank god you were here to correct him I would have had no idea what he ment had you not been there. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% of plepoe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! -
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55% of plepoe can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!